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No matter how I looked at this situation....

We were fucked and I still felt soo uneasy but right now, I didn't really know what to do at all. I was kinda scared and still wanted to run and escape but I couldn't really do anything. All the heroes listened to my stories and I could tell that there were parts they wanted to ask more but they were actually others in the room who would hush them back to silence.

I wouldn't mind any question.

It's not like I knew the answers to the question and besides nothing really would actually change anything at all. I was stuck down there for ages and I knew that my quirk felt different than before but I didn't really care. There was no time for worrying. That luxus was something I didn't had at all. Should I cry? Should I scream? Should I resist? 

As if that would have helped at all!

I tried....

I tried over and over at the beginning and then stayed silent in my room.

Hawks: Hey, Izu!

Me: Hm?

Hawks: We will get out of here.

Me: I know.....

Hawks: You don't look like that.

Me: ... sorry... I've just been here long enough.

We all were searching for any clues about this floor and this room. There were soo many papes on the ground and everything was just laying around. It was hard to actually say what was happening here. Science or was this Madness? Who could tell these two apart.


All Might: Me too.

Endeavor: I have a plan of this floor.

Ryukyu: I got an easy explanation of this building....

Hawks: .... we found something too.

It seems like we all had found something very important.

Midnight: I'll go first. Here. This is a paper about way way back and how the first 30 floors came to existance. It seems that this whole facility was created to undestand quirks better. It's from the pre-quirk season.

Ryukyu: I'll add there since I found a military paper talking about a war and the need to create soldiers with more than just one quirk or... a specific one.

All Might: I have one about diseases and how they tried to fight it back after it decimated a whole city down to a couple of people.

Hawks: We found one about the creation of quirks.... it seems as if they were trying to figure the origin out.

Me: .... but this doesn't make any sense. If they were actually trying to help, why would they create these?

Midnight: Relict of the past?

Ryukyu: I am not sure about this and this room was a room for all the employees.

We all kinda shared the paper and looked at the floor plan from Endeavor. There were 10 floors out of all floors that were dedicated for the employees here. In fact these floors should have just private corners, a planing and consulting room like this one, a kitchen, a play room and a sport gym like room. It was a bit out of place seeing as all the other floors had a mark saying experiment or research. On top of that they were all labelled as dangerous, hazardous or deadly. The floor I was on had all three tags and was both an experiment and research center.

Me: How does this help us?

All Might: It doesn't.

Midnight: BUT! It tells us that there is an emergency staircase which actually only connects these employee floors together.

Endeavor: Doesn't help us with the monster problem out there.

Ryukyu: Plus we would be faster to fly.

Hawks: True....

Midnight: Then what?

Endeavor: There is only one solution. There is one monster and we have 5 heroes in the room plus another helping hand.

Midnight: Are you out of your mind letting the kid fight?

Hawks: He can fight pretty well. I mean I found him as he was fighting.

Me: It's true! I can stand my ground.

Ryukyu: It's not a question about if you can or not. It's a question of morality and you shouldn't be fighting at all!

All Might: I agree here.

All of the sudden we could hear a slamming sound. It made us all jump and look at the door. Finally after all the peace and quietness we could finally hear the creatures reaction. Why only now was a mystery but it finally lost its patience to wait.

Hawks: There is no choice! If things go to worse, he will have to fight with us.

Midnight: *sigh* but if he dies in our hands...

Me: I've survived this much, I will not let anything get me at all!

Ryukyu: That is the spirit! ... but you.... how do I say it... you don't seem that well....

I knew what she wanted to say. I mean just look at me! I was a kid who was stuck being small and I had my bones popping out as my skin was layed over them... this was not how a kid should look like but this was how I looked like thanks to the rations of food I got and the time I spent here.

Me: I can handle myself and if not, I'll just run.

Midnight: Promise!

Me: I'll promise!

Moths below the ground (Nomu Deku-isch Story XD)Where stories live. Discover now