Chapter 3

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Anonymous gifts continued to arrive daily, pleasing the eye with their exquisite craftsmanship and warming the heart with someone's thoughtful gestures. Alan happily stored them in a box, occasionally exchanging shy smiles with Rick during his visits, sensing intuitively that he was the secret benefactor. However, he couldn't muster a smile for Hardy, who visited with a tense air. Alan reluctantly responded to questions about his health, and Hardy every time left in irritation. After a week, Alan cautiously emerged from his chambers, warily expecting ridicule from the courtiers. However, to his surprise, they looked at him with curiosity, whispered among themselves, but refrained from mocking and jeering. Perhaps it was because the steadfast and reliable Rick walked beside him, offering encouraging smiles.

Rick alleviated life in the palace with his involvement and the discreet trinkets he offered, endearing himself to Alan. As Alan let go of the memory of his deceased father, resentment grew towards Dwayne for recklessly endangering, betraying not only the throne but also their own father.

Alan glided through the palace like a stealthy shadow, casting wary glances at the guards who always trailed him, their weapons ominously rattling. He sighed with a sad grin, wondering if he appeared so threatening that he required the supervision of two formidable warriors. He avoided engaging in lengthy conversations with the occasional courtiers who approached him, responding tersely and reluctantly, eager to escape before anyone could inflict a painful jab. Alan hurried to find Rick at the earliest opportunity to unwind, chat, and gain insights into life with the palace.

Rick could usually be found in the backyard, issuing orders to the palace guards and overseeing the training of new solders. He often wielded a practice sword, demonstrating proper strokes or mounted his horse to shoot a crossbow at a target. The king would frequently join them, accompanied by his retinue. At their appearance, Alan would swiftly ascend another staircase, bidding a hasty farewell to Rick, who attempted to stop him.

Alan patiently awaited Rick's conclusion of his duties and then took a seat beside him, openly observing him while inhaling the distinct scents of horse sweat and crossbow oil that enveloped Rick. He listened attentively to Rick's deliberate and fluid discourse, which detailed the intricacies of palace affairs, highlighting what should be feared and what could be dismissed. In return, Alan shared aspects of his life at home, carefully omitting unpleasant details. Strangely, Rick seemed particularly interested in Alan's late aunt, once the nation's foremost beauty, who had been abducted by the Hannian king and perished in a protracted, bloody war. This event had led Alan's father to return with him, causing discord within their family.

Alan honestly conveyed that he didn't know much about his late aunt. His father, overwhelmed with sorrow when recalling his beloved sister, only revealed that she was a kind and gentle soul, radiating love to those around her. Her distinctive beauty, inherited from her Hannian great-grandmother, was striking, with blond hair in sharp contrast to her black eyes. She tragically passed away without experiencing happiness in her short life. The treacherous Hannian king Angus had kidnapped her after spotting her at a tournament, sparking a war.

Even if he had openly proposed marriage, it could have caused unrest in the country. The Lear family, being older than the ruling Rune family, could be perceived by the subjects as the future rulers of Arania. Alan, having openly shared all he knew, cautiously broached a more personally intriguing topic a few days later, "Why am I here? Can I request the king to send me to Scientinium? I've always aspired to become a knowledgeable healer."

"The king would never allow that," Rick brushed dark hair off his sweaty forehead, looking at Alan with concern. "Are you unhappy here? If you need something, you just can ask for that and they'll provide it for you."

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