⛥ T O W E L ⛥

426 6 15

While Mattheo is in the shower, I decide to wander around a bit. I am completely and utterly bored. From what I can tell, there are at least 2 floors in this disgustingly beautiful place.

My plan is to open every unlocked door and see what's behind them. And if they aren't unlocked then I'll be able to put my magic to good use. Yes, maybe I am a bit nosy.

I walk to the first door in the little hallway just off of the living room. I test the handle. Open sesame.

My knees almost buckle at the sight of hundreds, no thousands of books lining carved cherry oak shelves. My fingers twitch with the need to run my hands over the spines of each and every book. But I manage to resist. I've got plenty more rooms to look at.

After stepping out of the library, I go around to every door on the bottom floor. Though nothing peaks my interest. So, I venture up the spiral staircase.

Upstairs there are 5 doors. I pick a random one and turn the handle.

I marvel at the sight of a giant four poster bed. The black silky sheets lay under a dark red duvet with matching pillows. I just want to jump on it; it looks like the most comfortable bed ever.

"You like it?" I jump at the deep chuckle coming from my right. Mattheo is leaning in the doorway that connects his room to his bathroom in only a towel.

What if I-

Come on, Vivianne. Get your shit together.

I purposely lock my eyes onto his so I don't look down further.

"Nah. It's just a bed," I deny with, you guessed it, a shaky ass voice. Why do I hate myself.

Mattheo smirks and crosses the threshold into his room. He stands in front of me and leans down to whisper into my ear,

"You're blushing," Please Merlin, kill me now.

"I am not."

"No need to be embarrassed. I know I'm hot," There he goes again with those fucking eyes. He stares down at me with blown pupils and wet curls draping over his face. Okay maybe I am blushing.

"What's the matter now princess? Cat got your tongue?"

"For someone who just apologized to me for being mean you're being awfully rude." I'm trying to change topics but I don't think it's going to work.

"I have different intentions now, princess,"

I make the mistake of letting my eyes drop to just take a little glimpse at his body. But then a glimpse turned into a gaze.

Mattheo stays silent the entire time and I can tell he's watching me.

As soon as I pry my eyes away I go to move past him but am stopped by him lightly pulling on my wrist and turning me to face him.

"What do you-" I'm cut off my Mattheo cupping the back of my neck and pulling my lips towards his. I immediately kiss him back.

  I pull away, breathing heavily. "Fuck. I should not have done that." I mumble and turn before I bolt out of the door.

《 M A T T H E O 》 

  I press the heels of my hands into my eyes, "Fuck," I can't believe I just did that.

   I throw on a plain black t-shirt and a pair of grey sweat pants and sit. I need to think about this. And there's a lot to think about.

  I don't know when my...obsession with Vivianne started or why but it affects me every single fucking day. I can't go longer than 2 hours without imagining how she would feel in my arms. Or what her hair would feel like wrapped around my fist while I-

  Never mind.

  I'm just teasing myself at this point.

  I want to know. I need to know.
  It's not like I want to date her, so it shouldn't be too hard to convince her.

  I jog down the stairs with hopes that Vivianne will talk to me. Maybe we can strike a deal.

  As I reach the landing I seen Vivianne curled into a ball on my couch while reading one of my books.

  So she found my library.

  From where the couch is you can't see the staircase which allows me to quietly sneak up behind her. 

  I lean my head down to her level and laugh when she screams.

  "You can't do that shit." Vivianne huffs, her voice breathy as she delicately closes the book and places it on the table. She moves to stand, but I place my hands on her shoulders and gently push them down,

  "Ah, princess," I shake my head, "I need to talk to you."

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