❜ ─ CHAPTER 1 ─ ❛

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"Chapter 1 ;; Beginning of My Tale"

I stood there in front of my house with my eyes closed as I inhaled, enjoying the essence of the fresh air and the early morning breeze. It was like the worries I had, had been washed away.

I appreciated moments like these, it's like I no longer had a care in the world, it was just me in my element. This lasted for a few seconds before I heard the sound of someone calling my name.

I looked to see my friend Budo and my older brother Lucas calling me. "Hurry up, (n/n)! You're gonna make us late!" Lucas says, waving his hands in the air. I sigh and walk over to them with a cold expression on my face. Not a day goes by that something interrupts me when I'm having a good moment, honestly.

"Sorry, I spaced out again." I say, with uninterest in my voice. "You've been spacing out a lot lately, are you doing okay?" Budo asks, concerned. "I appreciate your concern, but I've already told you both, I'm fine, there's no need to ask." I say, walking ahead of them as they both trailed behind me.

"Are you really sure? It's not because you're nervous, is it?" Lucas raises a brow. I glanced at him before focusing back on walking. "Yes, I've told you way too many times, I'm not nervous at all." I lied to him.

In truth, worry and nervousness washed over me. I was moving to a completely different school, and part of me was scared. I get reminders of what happened in 2nd grade, and it had worried me that it'd happen all over again. It haunts me to think that I had a chance to just snap like that, I was fully conscious at the time, and yet it felt like my body acted on its own. In the end, I'm well aware, I'd be the one who will always be responsible for what I do and who I hurt.

I never even knew I had the ability to be liable for hurting someone as bad as that. I never intended to do such anyway. Even I myself was shocked.

I can still hear her screams, it's clear in my mind and I can no longer forget it.

"I can see through your lies, (n/n). I'm your big brother, you shouldn't be nervous at all! Where's that sweet little girl I love? Smile, sunshine!" Lucas stops to grab my cheeks and pulls them up, making me form a smile.

I chuckle at his antics as a smile creeped up on my face as he removes his hand from my face and smiles.

Budo looks at the both of us, adoring our sibling dynamic as he eventually smiles too. He's always tried to cheer me up like Lucas did. He knows how I feel. After all, he witnessed the whole issue in 2nd grade and he knows how much it haunts me. He's tried everything to take my mind off of it, and I gotta say, it's worked most of the time.

But Lucas has always found ways to make me grin. It's like he's a magician. He pulls multiple tricks up his sleeve to make me happy and it always works. I never stopped appreciating the fact that he never stopped being concerned for me, and truth be told I'm very grateful to have him as my older brother. He was the only few people who never cared about what I looked like, nor did he ever once blame me for any mistakes of my mistakes.

"There's those pearly whites! See? Got nothing to be nervous about! I'll be with you every step of the way!" He says happily. "Whatever, let's go, you dummies." I playfully rolled my eyes and walked ahead of them. "Geez, slow down, Miss Mysterious!" He says.

The rest of the walk was more relaxing and peaceful. I'd watch the leaves of each tree I'd walk by slowly fall down while listening to the birds tweet as the breeze brushed against my skin. It wasn't that far, and it didn't take that long to reach the school either.


There we were. We stood in front of the front gates as I could feel a bead of sweat falling down due to nervousness. Suddenly, I felt a hand on my shoulder as I turned to see Budo looking at me with a smile. He then gives me a thumbs up which is usually a 'You got this, (n/n)!'. I nodded and walked through the gates with them.

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