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Hello love's and welcome back to Cerberus: King of the hellhounds.

Before we begin this story, I would like to y'all for reading the stories that I've made.

And Bill's queen is on hold for a bit. I'm trying to think about what I should do for the next chapter or something like that.

So don't worry about Bill's queen. I'm still going to write it, but like I've said, it's on hold for a bit.

So anyways, enjoy Cerberus: King of the hellhounds.

*years later*


It's been over a year since I've started my hotel to help the demons and sinners.

But as a year went by, nobody came to the hotel, and I think my dad was right about all of this.

And also a year since I've met my girlfriend Vaggie.

I wanted to help the sinners and redeem them so they could go to heaven and not be killed when the cleansen happens, like every year.

As I was walking around the hotel, I stopped and looked at a door with some writing that I didn't understand at all. It was probably an old language.

I was about to open the door open, but I stopped because I heard Vaggie yelling at me not to open the door.

Vaggie:"Charlie, don't open that door." Vaggie sounds like she was scared of what is behind this door.

Charlie:"Vaggie, it's just a silly door that has a hellhound on it, and plus, I don't recall seeing this door at all. But I heard a story my dad told me about a legend hellhound who ruled over the other hellhounds." I wanted to open this up, but it's going to take some time to convince Vaggie for me to open that door.

I know Vaggie worries about just everything, but she needs to trust me on this one.

Vaggie:"Fine, I trust you, Charlie, but what is behind that door couldn't be any good or anything like that." Just as I was about to say something, angel dust walked up to us and looked at the door.

Angel dust:"What's behind the door toots probably something kinky that y'all like." Angel dust said a sex joke, and it wasn't funny at all.

Charlie:"No, it's not that my dad put something in this room and told my big brother and me never to go inside this room. But since I own this place, I could open the door, but I think my big brother should be here for this one. And speaking of the devil and he comes." My big brother, walk up me and give me a big hug.

Kendrick:"Charlie, my beautiful baby sister, how is everything going? I missed you so much that you never called me, and I got so worried that I thought something had happened to you." Kendrick can be a little overprotective with me, and when I introduce Vaggie to Kendrick, let's just say Kendrick went into big brother mode, and he told Vaggie hurt my baby sister and I hurt you.

Charlie:"You're just in time, Kenny, because I am going to open up the mysterious door." As I finished talking, I opened the door as the door opened up a cold breeze came out of the room.

We all walked inside the room, and I have to say it's very nice in here, but there are bones all around here.

As we looked around, I saw a really big dog sleeping under something, and he didn't wake up.

Vaggie:"What is a dog doing in this room, and what is he sleeping under?"

Kendrick:"He is sleeping under the history of hell that was made. I learned everything from dad, and I could read this. It's said long ago before everything was created, there was a war between heaven, and hell, the war was so bad that angels and demons lost their lives, but one day Lucifer Morningstar King of hell created a hellhound who was made to destroy any angel that came to hell. The very first hellhound knows as Cerberus the destroy of heaven a blood thirsty hellhound. Cerberus, who fought alongside Lucifer Morningstar in the war. But then Cerberus fell into a deep slumber only to be woken up by his mates or the blood line of Lucifer Morningstar." My eyes spark with excitement because dad's first creation is here at the hotel, and Kendrick and I could wake Cerberus up.

Kendrick:"There's something else. Cerberus has three heads. All three heads could tell the past the present and the future Cerberus can look into the future and see everything happening, but he would see into the past, and he could see everything that happened in the present." I walked up to Cerberus and placed my hand on his head and started to rub his head and place a kiss on his middle head.

Everyone was talking or asking a question about Cerberus and how he went into a deep slumber.

As I kept petting Cerberus, he started to move around and started to growl at something.

I looked, and he had all of his eyes open. Cerberus looked around and started to smell something.


I have been sleeping for so long that I know that my mate isn't born just yet.

As I was sleeping, I heard my door open, and then I heard people talking and reading something that I slept under.

But then I felt someone place their hand on my head and started to rub my head, and I have to say the last time I had some rub, my head was Lucifer or his queen.

So I started to move around, and then I woke up.

I started to smell around, but I cough the sent of an angel inside my room. So I started to growl at this unknown angel, warning them that I could kill them with my very sharp claws that I have to kill any angel.

I stood up and changed my form from three heads to one head.

When I got done, I looked around my room, and I could tell that they were demons and some Sinners here as well.

Cerberus:"It's good to be awake and up walking around. I've missed everything going on with hell, and my old friends' life is a mysterious thing that you need is a mysterious thing in your life. The future is bright with this place. I could see a lot of sinners here, but I see one sinner with a wide smile, and they look like a deer. Hmmm. Maybe they were a hunter and killed a deer, or they were mistaken as a deer, and some hunter killed them." I told the future of this place and that I saw everything that is going to happen in the future.

Vaggie:"Can we get out of here and talk about something because I don't trust this hellhound or anything he does or says." This sinner has some balls talking to me like that, but I guess newer sinners are very rude and disrespectful towards their elders.

I don't like people being rude to me or disrespect me at all.

Cerberus:"These bones you see are from an angel demons and sinners. I kept them as trophies because they would be evil and tried to kill the queen of hell himself. So you don't trust me, that's fine because I don't trust meoth sinner and I looked into your past so count yourself as the lucky one that I haven't eaten yet." This girl isn't a sinner but an angel, at least, so she better count herself lucky that I don't try and kill her right here and now.

Let's just hope that I don't say anything about her being an angel because I would just kill her, but I don't trust her, and I don't trust what she says.

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