Chapter Two

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The first class of my day is Chemistry. I woke up early to be able to stop and grab a coffee on my way. It's exactly what I need to start this day off on a good note. I walk into the lab classroom and take my usual seat by the window. While I set my bag down I started rummaging through it to find my lab book and a pen. Once I located everything I needed, most of the class was already sitting down waiting for class to start. I took my seat and drank from my coffee.

Only a moment later, our teacher, Mr. Kreisher, strolled into the classroom greeting us before he put his things down. Shortly after, Miles walks in late, but he is usually late. He will use any random excuse that comes to his small mind. My personal favorite is the one time he was late due to watching a snail on the sidewalk.

Nonetheless, Miles stalks over to my-  I'm sorry -our lab table and slumps down in the chair beside mine. We do not exchange pleasantries, as far as I'm concerned he's invisible. Miles is wearing similar joggers to yesterday, but these are an olive green color. He has on a black hoodie, and of course, his white shoes. I get a whiff of his college and have the urge to gag. It smells like the inside of Abercrombie and Fitch.

"Mr. Bacardi," Mr. Kreisher warns, looking up at him from his glasses. "Late yet again."

I hear Miles sigh, I know he didn't think he went undetected right? I think I saw four girls gasp when he walked in like he was a Greek God. Give me a break.

"Wouldn't you want to know why I was late?"

"No, I actually wouldn't," Mr. Kreisher states, turning around to write on the whiteboard.

"I got a flat tire," Miles states out loud, acting sad "They said she's not going to make it."

Mr. Kreisher does not turn around, instead, he continues writing on the board. After he's done, he turns back around and states "Detention".

Chemistry is not the worst class of my day. It goes by faster than I expected, and Miles and I continue ignoring each other as usual. I'm not sure what his outburst was at the gas station, but it was not our norm. It's typically pretty awkward between us, hatred and annoyance makes us both silent. Although on the days Miles has a bit of a loud mouth, I hate those days the most.

I get through my Algebra II class, American History, and Gym class all while having Miles tagging along. Our last names are similar in spelling, and not many people have the last name B. This makes me and Miles paired together in almost every class we have together. The first half of my day is mainly quiet, awkward, and a bit uncomfortable. But after Lunch, I don't see him till the end of the day, so it's not all bad.

After Gym concluded I headed over to my locker to switch out my books. I put back the books for my morning classes and grab the ones for the afternoon. As I put my last book in my bag I was greeted by my best friend, Abigail.

"Hey Ava," She smiles at me, twirling a strand of her blonde hair between her fingers. "How are you doing?"

I double check I have all my books before closing my locker and turning the dial for good measure. "I'm okay, a little hungry." I admit, feeling my stomach rumble, "How are you?"

Abigail leans against my now-closed locker and smiles again. Abigail is always smiling, her blue eyes light up as her dimples pop. She was wearing a light pink quarter zip with a white mini skirt. She had on little pink heels and a cute headband to match. She looked so pretty, I wish I had her body or even her confidence. I was wearing black leggings and my dad's old hoodie from the job he used to be able to keep. I felt silly, but I was not going to be someone I was not. Abigail and I compliment each other, or at least I thought so.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 15, 2023 ⏰

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