8 || Two-Man Team

59 3 3

(Unedited, Not Proofread At All, 2892 words)
Trigger Warning: I don't think there's any but feel free to correct me

"Why wouldn't he want to help them?" Jonah asks sharply after letting his anger build for the past five minutes. It's the first thing either of us have said since we left Mike's house, and it opens the floor to some conversations we need to have. 

"He's protecting Abby," I mumble, "you'd do the same for your sisters is spirits were a threat." 

"But you don't believe they are," he snaps back, glancing over for long enough as the busy night road will allow. I don't answer for a moment, and he takes it as an invitation. "You said it yourself; he's paying you to free them. To help them."

"Technically he's already paid in full, with a generous tip of over fifty percent," I reply, looking out the windshield solemnly. "If he doesn't want to help them, he's not required to. I just—" I pause, trying to find the right words so I don't sound too dramatic— "I just wish he was coming with me. It would be easier to communicate with them if they see someone they know." 

"What about the Bonnie kid? He saw you, didn't he?" Jonah asks, making an annoyingly sharp left turn that we almost certainly didn't take coming the other way. 

"He saw me, but that doesn't mean he knows me. The only thing he knows is that I can see and hear and feel him in ways Mike can't..." I mumble, running my fingers through my hair. 

"Well, that's a solid start," Jonah comments, glancing over again as he cockily speeds up. I'm quick to tell him to slow down, fearing any accident occurring this late at night. "It's fine. I go faster than this pulling into my driveway." 

"I see why your mother hates you sometimes," I whisper, pressing myself further into my seat. He laughs and then lets the silence settle over us. But not for long. He decides to pull a trick I already half-expected but am still surprised to have encountered so early. 

"So, when are we leaving? Tomorrow? Tomorrow morning? I'm assuming we should be back before our shifts on Tuesday, but we'll probably wrap it all up before Monday ends, considering how good and determined you are." It's a bold move, I have to give him that. So bold, in fact, that it takes me a minute to process it and try to form a response.

His emotions shift in my few moments of silence, hope growing in his chest.

I can't stand to break what he's building. 

"I'll call in to work sick tomorrow. We'll leave whenever you show up to get me, if you're down to drive," I reply, giving him the opportunity he wants. "Just know I can't bail you out if your mother gets mad for you skipping school should this last into Monday." The hope he feels explodes into a single moment of awe followed by a continuous rush of relief and excitement.

"I can drive," he confirms. "And don't worry about Monday. Tallulah is about three and a half hours away, so if we want to get there by about noon, we'll leave at eight or a little after. That'll give us enough daylight to find this place and hopeful get your job done, and we'll be back late Monday night, no problem."

"You were planning that the entire time we were in his house, weren't you?" I tease, turning to look at the grinning teenager. His sparkling eyes and pearly white teeth tell me all I need to know.

"So what's the plan when we get to Tallulah?" he questions. "We should figure that out now." I turn to the windshield, inhaling and exhaling deeply as I think. After a moment of scrambled thoughts and confusing snippets, I decide to think out loud. Jonah appreciates it. 

"If we get there by noon, we'll have enough time to ask around and figure out where the pizzeria actually is and if it's in Tallulah or across in Mississippi," I begin, nodding a bit. "We won't have a lot to go off of, but if we can find it and get in, all I have to do is figure out if the spirits are there or not. If they aren't, we go back to the drawing board. If they are..." 

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