13-Specialist Party

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"It's not working." James flopped on the grass below him.

"Because you are not believing in yourself to do it." Headmistress Farah stood across the field from the stressed teen. "What you need to do is work on connecting your emotions through others."

"Why was I even born?" James questioned his life existence.

"Because the Scarlet Witch chose to be reborn in this time of life, and she chose you to be her successor."

"She couldn't choose someone else?" James scratched his head, stressed put.

"No." Farah walked over to the ball force field holding the teen. "Get up." Her eyes glowed golden.

James' eyes also glowed golden, and he stood up before looking at her, his eyes taking a deep red before he charged at the force field.

"You have a small issue with your temper." Farah pointed out, unfazed by the boy trying to break the force field she was standing directly in front of.

"No sh!t sherlock." James rolled his eyes and sat back on the grass.

Farah sighed in fake disappointment, looking over to see Ben walking out of his private room.

James also looked over, watching as Terra tried to talk something out of her father.

"Hm." Dowling huffed before exiting the field, dropping the force field from James. "Go to lunch, you have free time after."

"Yes!" James pumped his fist in the air excitingly before noting that it was a joke since Silva had him for training. "Aw, man."

James got up and brushed off his pants from the dirt, walking to the lunch hall with a sigh.

Walking in, he was greeted by different friend groups talking and laughing, so he did what he did best: get food.

While he was in the lunch line, he heard Beatrix shout.

"Get off me, you massive pedo!" Beatrix turned around, immediately getting pulled into Riven.

James also turned to see who got that yelling and saw the admin staff member standing in shock.

Riven placed the apple in his mouth, leaning down for Beatrix to take a bite also, sneaking a glance at James as they walked by.

"Are they sharing an apple?" Terra spoke from the corner of the long counter. "That's so weird."

"I know, right?" Dane turned to talk to her. "Apparently, she's also a huge nerd. In between bong rips, she can recite the entire history of the Otherworld."

Terra chuckled at that. "Riven has questionable taste." She moved around to collect her lunch.

James rose a brow at that statement before walking down to an empty table to sit with hus lunch.

What's on the menu? Rice with any type of chicken and drink of your choice.

It's a moderate lunch since he needed all the room he could get for the party that he was invited to.

Yeah, the Senior Specialists' Yearly Party, like it's not going to be wild.

All he needs is just food before he drinks, and he's alright. If he drinks before eating, he's most likely to throw a tantrum.

Eating at a nice slow pace and taking sips of his orange juice from time to time, James looked around the room at the different friend groups.

Why wasn't the drama playing out when he can see it just fighting to be free?

'Time is the reason, my friend. Time.' Was what James' repeated in his head.

Looking to the side, his sister made her way to sit beside him. "Guess what happened?"

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