Lucy Bronze x Reader (1)

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Eyes closed, she took a deep breath in and out. The sea breeze whipped a few strands of hair out of her messy bun. She opened her eyes to look at the last rays of daylight as the wind shifted suddenly. A storm was coming – she could feel it. She smiled and looked up at the darkening clouds. She loved the feeling of the darkness creeping in, and the storm. She was unsure whether it was the potential violence of it, or the uncertainty, but she still loved it nonetheless. She felt comfortable in that space. She looked around the beach and saw nobody. It was so different to Australia, where people would be sitting on the beach regardless of the weather. Her eyes searched the beach for any sign of life, and out of curiosity, she checked the little alcove at the top of the sand - barely big enough for a couple. Sure enough, as had been the past several sunsets, she saw her again. She was a petite thing with a kind face, yet it held a frown and sad eyes. She had her arms wrapped around her shins, her chin resting on her knees. Her clothes, although the right sizes, looked like they were drowning her, and her expensive white trainers were ruined by the sand. She held a thousand-yard stare over the water and YFN wondered what she was thinking about. She looked like the kindest person, with a face that had the potential to light up at the smallest of things.

She had been there every sunset for the past four days – which is how long YFN had been in the city. Who knows the actual number of times the woman had actually been coming to that same spot.

YFN puzzled over her. She wanted to make sure she was okay, but didn't want to overstep with a complete stranger. YFN knew that look though, and would never be able to forget if she didn't at least try.

She stood and walked slowly over to the woman, careful not to startle her. As she stopped in front of her, the woman lifted her head from her knees, a small look of surprise and worry crossing her face. Though, the surprise was one of a people-pleasing nature, a look that said she didn't want to interrupt someone to go out of their day just to speak to her.

YFN sat diagonally to her so as not to block her view or force a close proximity to sit beside her. "Hey, I hope you don't mind me coming over to say hello. I just noticed you seem to be the only person here to appreciate sunsets as much as I do."

The woman gave a little smile and her eyes softened. "I never really watched sunsets much in my life to be fair. This is a completely new thing to me." Her accent was unmistakably English though YFN had no idea from where as she was so new to the country.

"Why the change, if you don't mind me asking?"

"I think it calms me. It helps relax my mind."

YFN nodded. "I get that. I've always been a sunset and beach baby, though. It's just so... peaceful? I'm not sure if that's the right word."

"Do you like sunrises as well then?"

"Interestingly enough, no. I really don't. I can admire how pretty they are, sure. But they give me anxiety more than take it away."

She rested her chin back on her knees. "Ah. You're not from around here, are you?"

"Is the accent that bad?"

"You sound quite English to be fair, but you speak a bit different. Where are you from?"

"Australia. Landed about 4 days ago, actually."

"Australia?! I love Australia. No wonder you're at the beach. You don't sound very Australian though."

"I'll take that as a compliment." She laughed. "I'm YFN."

Sunsets and footballersWhere stories live. Discover now