[1.1] Get this party started

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The hallway was filled with excited dancers who were just itching to get into the studio and prove that they were worthy of having a spot on the Regionals team.

Meanwhile, the studio heads, Kate, and Chris, were taking in the studio, new dance season, new start, new dancers.

"My name is Kate, and I became the owner of the Next Step Dancer Studio because my mum was the previous owner," the blonde-haired woman spoke towards the camera, "I mean, I grew up in this studio. Its my one true passion."

"I am the head choreographer here. That means I teach the kids all their competition routines, and I pretty much oversee all the administrative work," Chris began to explain,

"Maybe we'll make it to nationals this year," Chris teases, smirking over at Kate.

Kate cut him off, "Okay, hold your horses. Let's focus on regionals first, okay?"

"Okay," Chris raised his hands playfully, stepping back jokingly. "Regionals, Regionals, Regionals," He repeated with a chuckle.

"It takes blood, sweat, and tears to win regionals, and I know we have the ability and I know our kids are talented enough, and I know they want to win as well." Kate says smiling.

"You ready?" Chris asks.

"Let's do it." Kate grins clapping her hands together.

Chris claps his hands together, "All right, let's do this."

On cue, the door swung wide open letting in the many eager dancers who were ready to prove that they belong on A-Troupe.

Emily looked to the camera as she explains, "The Next Step Dance Studio is a highly competitive dance studio. So, a lot of elite dancers come here, and we're pretty well know for how amazing we are," She smiles.

Kate turned to face the dancers, smiling at them, "Get focused, okay? This is serious stuff. A-Troupe Auditions."

Dancers were placed around the studio warming up, checking out the competition, as they readied themselves for their auditions.

Eldon, a blonde boy sat facing the camera, "There's J-Troupe, which is like junior troupe." Eldon explains.

Giselle, a ginger girl, continued with a smile, "And we have B-Troupe, which is more of the recreational kids."

Stephanie, a dark-haired girl grinned at the camera before saying, "And the highest level in the Next Step is, well, A-Troupe."

James, a dark-haired boy spoke, "I want to dance in A-Troupe because it's the only team that gets to compete at regionals in the Next Step. And I don't want to dance with B-Troupe," he finished the last sentence with a scoff.

Daniel, a brunette boy started to explain, "At those big competitions there are scouts from all over the world, so being in A-Troupe means that you're going to be seen and, if you're going to be seen, you're going to get a career in dance."

Charlotte, a dark brunette girl bounces in her seat as she talks. "I'm really excited to re-audition again this is my third year. I spent my holidays training with my little sister and my 2 best friends. I can't wait to show everyone my new tricks."

"As I'm getting ready to audition and I'm warming up, I'm really nervous," Chloe, a soft girl, confessed, "I worked really hard in B-Troupe last year and I know that A-Troupe is where I belong. So, if I don't make it, I'll be crushed."

James continued to speak, "A lot of people from B-Troupe come to audition to get into A-Troupe. But also, the people that were in A-Troupe last year have to audition again, almost like fighting for their spot, like myself."

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 15, 2023 ⏰

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