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"GHOST!" I yelled as I started to get surrounded they weren't able to hear me by my screaming a sharp pain went through the back of my shoulder I screamed out in pain falling to my knees. I was gripped up by the back of my mask. A pair of eyes drilled into mine his smirk grew wide on his face.

"Now This... This is a reward Sargent Minx." He smiled as the butt of his gun bashed crossed my face.

Soap's Pov-

"Alright Minx you wi- Where's minx?" I asked looking around the crew "She's right behind... Minx?" Köing called out Ghost shoved himself off the wall "Are you fucking kidding me? YOU LOST MINX?!? She has the fuck blue prints dumbass's!" He yelled growing pissed he stormed back to where we came from. Minx and Ghost were best friend's they related a lot to many things.

"I'm with LT. You guys get back to Price and let him know we have a Sargent down." I pushed past the team following behind Ghost I ran up to beside me "Johnny what are you doing?" He asked turning towards me. "I'm helping bring our girl back." He held up his hand and shoved me back. "Minx would kill me if I brought you along Johnny" he said I shook my head laughing. "Come on Ghost she's my best friend as well." I went to walk again.

"No I can't risk this I'm sorry I'm going alone you go back okay?" He said I shook my head "She's my best friend as well Ghost. If you go I go. Now again let's bring my best friend back." I walked past him as he groaned mumbling "She's gonna kill me if you get hurt I swear to god why hasn't she told you yet." He said walking g past me I titled my head confused "Told me what?" I asked he keep walking ignoring me. I rolled my eyes

~Hours Later~

Minx's Pov-

I groaned opening my eyes I flinched at the bright light in front of me I slowly allowed my eyes to adjust to see everyone I almost knew back from base standing around me. Shepherd stepped into the light with his arms behind his back "oh thank god am I happy to see you" he titled his head he moved his arm from behind his back flipping open the butterfly knife.

"Now tell me, how did you locate me?" I sat back confused "What?" I asked he sighed kneeling down he ran the knife along my thigh "Shepherd... what are you YOU FUCKING PENDEJO !" I yelled out in pain as the knife pieced right through my thing. He pulled it out I screamed out in pain "OH ONCE I GET OUT THIS BLOODY CHAIR ILL KILL YOU" I growled out he laughed shaking his head

"Soap trained you, your weak just like he is" he shook his head laughing I glared up at him he stepped out the way as two soldiers walked in holding a camera setting it up I front of me the red light turned on "Smile for the camera Princess" he smirked as he stepped out the view I looked dead into the camera instead of the knife touching my chin it was now a gun. My head dropped quickly...

Johnny where are you...

Ghost... please please have him in your sight and take him out..

Ghost's pov-

We sat in the conference room Johnny's leg was bouncing a mile a minute never missed a beat as Price explained the recon plans we were to sit out side the building and count and watch who enters and leaves before we could even do anything we had to pinpoint where she is.

As Price was talking his computer dinged everyone looked over at him. "Umm Shepherd emailed me" he said looked up at us he opened the email and a video popped up on the screen "Smile for the camera Princess." He stepped out the way grabbing her jaw with a gun Minx's face flashed across the screen it was bloody she didn't have her mask on no more her brunet hair stuck to her face as blood ran down the small crocked nose she has.

Her hazel brown eyes glistening as she looked like she was in pain. "I want captain price if you show up alone she lives.. if not she dies. You got twenty four hours." The screen went black it was quiet for a moment "BLODDY HELL!" Johnny yelled swiping stuff off Price's desk punching the doors open and storming out everyone was eyeing each other up. "I'll go check on him you guys keep trying to pin point where she's located" Price left the room following behind an angry Soap.

Soap's Pov-
I stormed out the base straight outside for some fresh air I wanted to punch something I wanted to kill Shepherd for touching her like that and especially taking her mask off. That..that was really low blow for him he knew what she went through as soon as did I due to a drunk truth or dare game at Gaz's birthday party. "Soap" Price called out walking up to me "Look we will get her back but I can't have you acting out like this.. if you can't stay calm I may have to put Alejandro in your spot." I shook my head.

"He's coming with she's gonna want her brother there." I looked anywhere but at Price. "Soap are you sure you want to do this?" He asked me I looked at him this time "I'm one hundred percent sure I want to bring her back home Price.. and I want to be the one to kill him." I said his liked formed a flat line and from there we made a plan on our way to contact Alejandro.

Safe & Sound ~ Johnny "Soap" MacTavishWhere stories live. Discover now