Cali's Submission (sneak peak chapter 1)

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A.M.Norman brings you Cali's Submission.

Cali is an ordinary girl with an ordinary, everyday life. Get up. Do her hair. Do her make up. Lets not forget make goggley eyes at the hottest guy in school. But, when she ups and moves to New York and a hot, sexy and more than mystifying guy comes along, and literally throws Cali's life out a window. And wants nothing else then to take Cali to bed 24-7.. It leaves her choosing to either hunt with the wolves or, possibly... hunt them.


I didn't know how it was possible for so many things to happen at one time. I was tired but I guess it didn't matter, just like how I never wanted to move from my home town in Michigan, it Just didn't matter..

I was made to move to the big apple where the lights where bright and the sky hung low because of the pollution. Last night I had been thinking of the reason for my coming to New York it was simple, my father. He Was running away taking me and my brothers with him, I blinked hard in the darkness of my room, adjusting my eyes, I listened. I heard my father down the hall coming to wake me up.

I guess it didn't matter that I thought anyother place on this earth would better than this old and tiny rundown apartment all four of us hade to live in. Anything would be better than my father's no good stupid "new school" that my father was ordering me to go to.

I didn't want to get up. I wanted to make my father, so miserable here in New York, that he would snap out of It and realize that he still loved my mother, and that he should turn to fight not walk away wail my mother re-married and left us all, I wished to make him so miserable here in New York , that my father would turn around and head straight back for Michigan, and grow a fucking pair for once.

I shot up Just as unexpected strength raced through me, I felt like I Was going to faint due to my lack of sleep as I felt my way to the door inching across the wall closest to me. Akwardly stepping where there was room, trying to avoid the two floor cots on the floor, where my older brothers slept. Our floor was already way too small for just my one twin bed alone.

"Oww, god damnit Cali!" I heard one of my brothers' whisper as I accidentally kicked him, sending a jolt of pain throughout my toe. So much for being careful.

"fuck, Sorry." I whispered half heartily one because my toe hurt like hell and two just in case my brother had been like me last night, restless, unlikely though. They seemed to enjoy new beginnings, wile I hated them.

"Great, your Awake, " I heard my father proclaim out of a smothered gasp when I slithered out from behind the door. Sending a deathly glare his way I saw a surprised look flash across his face. He had probably woken up three hours ahead of time just to attempt to wake me up but, I was up now. So it really didn't matter. I said nothing to him as I walked strait past him to the bathroom then shut the door. Happy to finally be alone, I looked at my reflection I had dark circles under my eyes, even more then usual. My hair, was messy, witch I hated, it stud high like I was the poster child for perfect Frankenstein's bride hair, if only could make it stay like that. Maybe people would avoid me today...maybe not.

People always said I looked a lot like my mother just 19 some years younger, which was good I guess, she was an beautiful woman, but unlike me being average height, at a nearly post-pubescent 19 years old , I'm 5'5. Meanwhile, she stood at a model worthy 6 flat. We do share  the same eye color, a light hazel green mixed with a tint of occasional changes of hues depended on the lighting. We even have the same heart shaped face but it seemed to work better with my mother's high cheek bones, overly crowded freckled ones any way. We shared our extremely-long eyelashes that always made our eyes shout at people. Usually it was the first thing people noticed about us, and continued to stare at us for. Our hair is, besides our personalities, the only thing stopping people from thinking where sisters. My hair is permanently a muddle of impenetrable curls down to my butt. My hair had once been entirely the same color until my resent dying crusade, when I went from black to blonde to finally a deep alburn.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 14, 2023 ⏰

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