[Chapter One]

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Y/n sat at the back left of Mr. Silly's history class. Well, the classroom was split between he and Mrs. Sulky, the English teacher, but her segment had already passed. She was sat on the opposite side of the room, typing away on her computer, as Y/n tried to pay attention to the current history lecture.

"You know what the average life expectancy was? In England? You guys would be almost dead. It was 25. You could've died from all sorts of things; you could've been impaled by a machine, or inhale coal- coal was burned and all in the air.."

Y/n quickly lost interest in what he was teaching and traced a star on their desk with their finger. As they zoned out, Mr. Silly's voice droned in their mind, growing mundane like the buzzing of a fly.

"God, can he shut the sus up?!" They whispered to themself. They heard the door open, and didn't bother to pick their head up. Their head rested on their desk, and they heard soft footsteps approaching them. It didn't faze them, though. They believed it was just another student returning from the bathroom, or a teacher coming to interrupt the class.

"Excuse me," A voice, sultry and rather deep, whispered. Y/n whipped their head up, and stared intently at the glorious figure that had entered the room. An angelic visage of a man, tall and well-built, stepped forward, lightly veiled by shadow. Y/n's lips parted as their jaw dropped, stunned. This wasn't any snotty classmate or unimportant educator.


"Is this Pat Silly and Gertrude Sulky's classroom?

"Yeah...?" Y/n looked at him with sparkling eyes, curious and affectionate.

"I'm looking for someone by the name of Y/n..." Y/n almost peed their own pants at the mention of their name.

"Why?" Y/n asked, intrigued.

"I have a marriage proposal! :3" he mewed. He was about to start meowing tbh bc hes silly and cutesy. He blushed like a maiden.

"You're speaking to Y/n," they smirked... 😏

"Oh, am I? :3" he meowed, fully silly now.

"Yeah, babycakes."

The man rushed to the back of the classroom, seemingly urgently, yet looking absolutely elegant as he did so. His skin was very pale, and as he opened his mouth to speak once more, Y/n noticed that he had unusually long canines. Hot.

"I am Adrian Alucard Farenheight Tepes, but you can call me yours," he said gently, reaching for Y/n's hand. As they offered it, flabbergasted, he gave it a smooch. He lowered himself down to one knee. "You shine bright like a diamond, sweet lovey darling."

Y/n's heart was racing and their face grew hot. "I-"

The entire class was staring, yet Mr.Silly just kept rambling on about old world war one or something. Every head was turned towards Y/n and this gorgeous angel of a man. Mr. Silly eventually realized what was happening. He smirked and quirked a brow. "I sat you two next to each other because I knew you'd date each other," he said matter-of-factly. "Well, well, well... look at this. A human and vampire? You're making history- and in your history class, of all places. "

Everyone knew that nobody had any idea who this beautiful man was, and Mr.Silly was a liar. But nobody cared, enchanted by this blonde miracle bestowed upon them; everyone was graced by his presence.

Y/n blushed and ran out of the class, covering their face and squealing like a loser. They ran into a wall and fell, almost losing consciousness. Alucard ran after his beloved and scooped them into his arms.

"Aur naurrrr, lovey. Let me escort you to my personal doctor."

Y/n almost left Earth as Alucard picked them up. The doctor could never heal the shock and things they were feeling. Only Alucard could. "NO babes," Y/n stuttered, finally gathering themselves. They lay their arms around Alucard's neck. "Bring me to Olive Garden so we can have a romantic candlelit dinner. This will heal me of all my woes."

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 15, 2023 ⏰

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