1 | meeting roronoa zoro, the pirate hunter

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"AHH, THE WEATHER IS pretty nice today." Luffy sighs, a big grin on his face as he leans back on the boat. "On a nice day like this, who would've thought we'd get into such a disaster, huh, Sora?"

"Literally anyone with any trace of navigational sense." The girl groans, as she laid on the boat.

"That means you don't have any either." Luffy simply replies, making an irk mark appear on the brown haired girl's forehead. "What a huge whirlpool, how careless of us."

"There's also no one around." Sora adds, yawning.

"It'll be really bad if this boat recks..." He rests his chin on his hand, looking worried. "And, on top of that, I can't even swim." He then slaps his fist to his palm, sporting a big grin. "Ah! Wait a minute! It doesn't really matter if I know how to swim in a situation like this!"

"That's not something to be happy about right now, idiot!" Sora tells him, in disbelief.

"Haw, why are you always mean to me, Soraaa." Luffy asks. "People might think you're with me against your will."

"I am with you against my will, you moron, don't forget important stuff like that!" Sora yells at him, making Luffy chuckle.

But that quickly changes when the whirlpool flips their boat over.

"STUPID..." THE SILVER HAIRED girl groans, as she pulls herself out of the water. "Stupid stupid straw hat wearing moron."

Luffy had jumped into a barrel and told her to meet him at the nearest town, not giving her choice since the boat got caught in the whirlpool.

"Why did it have to be him?" Sora wonders, propping down on the ground. "It could've been someone with braincells, but no, I had to be stuck with him."

"HERE WE ARE." Koby says, as the three of them stand outside the huge doors of the navy base.

After meeting up with Luffy and meeting Koby the trio made their way to the marine base, since Koby wanted to enlist as a marine and Luffy wanted to see the pirate hunter, Zoro, who was apparently being held here.

"Alright." Luffy nods. "This is the place."

"I'm finally here." Koby cries, literal tears in his eyes, making Sora give him a 'what the hell' look. "I guess this is where we part ways, Luffy-San." He continues, crying into his hand, not noticing the other two casually walking in. "It was only for a short time, but... huh?" He looks up.

"Upsy-daisey." Luffy mumbles, trying to get over the wall, and Sora helps him by kicking his butt up.

"Luffy-San, Sora-San!" Koby waves his hands worriedly. "What in the world are you doing?!"

Both of them ignore him.

"Now, where's this demon?" Luffy asks, as he finally gets a grip on the wall.

"He wouldn't be out here." Koby says. "I'm sure he's in a prison cell or something..."

"There he is!" Luffy yells, cutting Koby off. He jumps down and runs up to the wall closest to the pirate hunter. "Alright!"

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