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I was breathing heavily and no matter how hard I tried not to think of it, I couldn't stop thinking about how sore my throat felt. My nose refused to stop running and I was running out of napkins.

In conclusion, I was unable to go to work today. The headache and the fact that my whole body ached whenever I moved a muscle forced me to stay in my bed.

A gentle knock on my door could be heard. I wanted to speak up and allow whoever it was inside, but my voice failed me. Noodle, however, didn't care to wait for permission and slipped in my room anyway.

"Are you ready to go?" She asked, looking nervous. Working in Willys shop needed to be done in secrecy so that Mrs. Scrubbit wouldn't find out. Willy and the others had already left for the day, but me and Noodle were supposed to meet up with them. Noodles took a closer look at me: "Are you okay, Y/n?"

I took a deep breath. "I wish I was, but I'm sick. I don't want to spread the disease to you or any customer."

Noodle nodded, and threw a stressed glance at the door. I know she doesn't have a lot of time and need to go.

"Go. Please tell Willy that I'm sorry for not being able to help today." I said and immediately coughed into my arm.

Noodle nodded before she disappeared. After an hour of staring into the roof, I must have fallen asleep because when I woke up, it was dark outside of my window. The headache was killing me, but atleast my throat didn't feel as sore as earlier.

I sighed and turned in my bed. Wrestling with the covers, I couldn't find a comfortable position. The guilt grept closer as my thought had too much room to wander. I hope business went well for Willy and the others today. A lot is hanging on his store. And... Also, I know how important it is for him.

I haven't been able to stop thinking about him ever since he showed up at Mrs. Scrubbit. It's embarrasing, this crush of mine that I've developed. He probably hasn't even noticed. And I highly doubt he would ever reciprocate those feelings.

Willy seems like he doesn't belong in this world. He has this kind of light, this kind of energy that doesn't exist in this grim world anymore. Wherever he goes, he brings happiness with him. I don't know how he does it. But ever since he first looked at me with those hypnotizing eyes, I knew that I didn't ever want to leave his side.

I know I shouldn't get my hopes up. But... Sometimes, just sometimes, it feels like we have a special connection. Especially when we're alone.

Suddenly, a brisk knock could be heard on my door. Just like Noodle, Willy Wonka didn't care to wait for a invite either. He walked in, still wearing his purple coat and hat.

He put down his suitcase beside my bed and walked closer. His eyes were filled with concern.

"Tell me how you're feeling." He said with a soft voice as he sat down on my whooden chair. I couldn't help but smile.

"I-" Cough. I couldn't stop coughing. Willys eyes felt heavy upon me, as I finally managed to stop coughing long enough to continue: "I'm okay."

"I have my doubts." He said. After a short moment of silence, he lifted his hat and started digging through it like the bottomless space it was. He pulled out a bowl of warm soup, still steaming hot.

He got up from the chair and placed it carefully infront of me. A short moment later he had also dig up a spoon.

"Noodle told me you weren't feeling well, so I did a soup for you." He said. I looked down into the bowl and my stomach growled, giving me away immediately. It smelled amazing.

"You didn't have to do that for me." I said and looked up at him. His kind, warm eyes softened.

"It's the least I could do. I learned the recipe on one of my journeys. In a tropical island containing some creatures I've never seen before. The locals taught me how to use their fruits to make this soup." He sank down on his knees, as he kneeled beside my bed. I kept my eyes on him all the time. "It will make you feel better. You have my word in it."

"Thank you." I carefully tasted a spoonful and my mouth melted in the flavour. Tropical juices, it felt like my body teleported to a warmer climate.

I asked more about his journeys and Willy stayed beside me, as I continued eating the soup. The effect wasn't immediate, but he was right. It soothed my throat and chased the headache away.

"You know," I began as I put down the bowl on the floor beside the bed. "If you weren't a chocolatier, you could definitely sell healing soups like these."

He smiled, which made the tropical butterflies in my stomach dance. He looked like he wanted to say something, but he decided against it and stood up from the floor.

"Well, I should leave you. So you can recover." I could feel the disappointment the second he said those words. I stared at his back as he lifted up his hat and put back the now empty bowl into it.

"Or..." The one word from my lips made Willy freeze in his movements, as he observed me. If It weren't for the boost of confidence that I blame the soup for, I would have never dared to utter the next words: "You could stay."

"Stay?" He blinked. "Do you want me to stay?"

I nodded, suddenly feeling embarrassed. But it vanished quickly when I saw Willys overjoyed face.

"Let me know if you need to rest and I will leave." He reassured me. I nodded, while trying to push back the feeling of fatique. I really don't want him to go, but I can't help but feel tired.

"I want to know more about your past adventures." I said and leaned back on my soft pillow. Willy sat down on the wooden chair and continued to tell me his very painting stories, about the worlds he has seen. The people he has met. The flavours he has explored. He tells stories with these exaggerated expressions, while imitating the voices of the people he has met. Seeing him so excited, how happy he was to share, made me feel so warm inside.

And tired. I couldn't help it as a yawn escaped my lips, hoping Willy wouldn't notice. But, giving how observant the brown haired man is, he of course noticed and immediately stopped talking.

"You need to rest." He concluded, as he once again prepared to leave. "I'm sorry for keeping you up for so long."

"I'm not." I said, with my eyes now closed. I heard him chuckle.

"You are something special, Y/n." He said underneath his breath.


"Yes, darling?" Darling?

"Do... This is dumb, but, do you want to sleep here tonight?"

Silence. Dreaded silence. I started to regret asking, when I suddenly felt a weight on the edge of the bed. I opened one tired eye, and glanced at him. He had removed his coat, and was now wearing a white shirt.

I moved to the edge of the madress, allowing him space to lay down. He carefully laid down beside me. I actually got one of the bigger beds, so space shouldn't be a problem.

That is, until, one of his arms snakes around my waist and pulls me closer to him. I was suddenly hyperaware of how close we were. So close I could feel the warmth of his body, but not close enough to feel his body.

"Darling," Willy whispered into my ear, making my skin shiver. "Is this okay for you?"

Yes. Definitely.

"It's okay." I answered, and felt how my entire body relaxed in his arms. His face nuzzled into my neck, making my skin shiver and burn at the same time.

Maybe this could be the beginning of something magical? Or maybe would neither one of us mention the night in the daylight. Right now, right here, I didn't care to think about that. Falling asleep next to him felt so right, like it was meant to always be.

Willy Wonka - Oneshots (2023)Where stories live. Discover now