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I was walking peacefully on my way to school, I was in a good mood, I planned a mini outing for myself, no friends, no family, just a cup of me time.

"SHIT" I heard someone say along with  loud thud, then came two huge ass dogs, and a boy running towards me, my brain didn't have time to process the whole situation, i immediately started running, don't get me wrong... i love dogs, i even have two dogs, well they're puppies but kinda the same thing.

Just then i see a car pull up and the boy who was behind me suddenly got into the car and they drove off, i was still running but i can't really out run a dog now can I...

Just as my legs were about to give up, the car from earlier pulled up and they gestured me to get in quickly and you would not believe the people that were in there...

It was Winter, the red haired guy and the boy i bumped into, they were wearing their student id's this time so i finally got their names,

The boy that bumped into me named Phoenix Scott, the red haired guy named Cole Katz, and then Winter's full name being Winter Nightshade


I got in the car and panted heavily as we drove off, i could hear the dogs barking which gave me the chills... seated in front was Winter while Cole was driving, then seated with me was...Phoenix

"Don't you have something you wanna say" asked Phoenix

"oh- y-yeah...uhm thanks" i replied

"a thank you is not enough, i'll redeem the favor later"

of course you will

"yo Phoenix you managed to get the stuff??" asked Cole

"nah man... the dogs chased me as soon as i got in" replied Phoenix

"what are you guys talking about" I asked

"aww who's a curious little nerd, you are~~" teased Phoenix as he ruffled my hair

i pushed his hand away and rolled my eyes, when i looked back at him, he was staring at my hair...

"w-what's wrong, was their lice in my hair, but i washed it this mor-"

"your's..thick, and very grabbable"

"oh good lord" said Winter while Cole burst out laughing

"grabbable?? is that even a word?" said Cole

"whatever, anyways, here's why i got chased by a dog..." Phoenix tried to say it but was cut off by Winter

"We're throwing a party tonight and we had to buy weed, but the price went up and the money wasn't enough, so Phoenix thought it'd be a good idea to just steal the weed from his neighbour's garden... unknown to him that they had two big dogs guarding the weed"

"why didn't you let me say it?" asked Phoenix

"cus i knew you'd exaggerate the whole thing" replied Winter

"yeah yeah, whatever"

"well that sounded like a dumb plan" i blurted

"HA! even the nerd found it dumb" laughed Cole

"what makes you think it's so dumb"

"because there's three of you, even if y'all didn't know they had dogs, at least one person should've stayed behind, so that while the dogs are chasing hottie over here, either snowflakes or red hair will sneak in and take the weed, then meet up with you guys" I couldn't believe i said that... what am i turning into??

"oh myy~~~ nerdy boy over here got some skills" said Cole

Phoenix just stared at me smirking, i'm dying to know what's going on in his head

"i kinda like the nickname snowflakes" said Winter

"I prefer jack frost" replied Cole

"fuck off" 

Cole just laughed, while Phoenix just sat there quietly smirking at me, it was making me kinda nervous so i started fidgeting the hem of my hoodie


I walked into the school with Phoenix and his crew behind me, people were staring so hard, heck they started staring the moment i got out of Cole's tesla...yeah, tesla...

"you're late, and i'm assuming they had something to do with it" said Andre in his usual mean tone

"don't mind him, i'm not sure what happened but we're glad you're here, and also thanks for dropping him off" said Sam, polite as usual

"no problem cupcake~" Cole flirted shamelessly

"oh great heavens" said Winter

Sam let out a small giggle before taking my hand and we walked off


"Bro, he's so fucking sexy oh my GOD!!!" I let out a huge sigh

"you mean Sam?" asked Winter

"yup! he's so sexy, like... i get hard anytime i see's driving me crazy" i replied

"yeah, he is pretty sexy and also very nice and comforting" Said Winter


"chill bro.. i was feeling sad earlier yesterday and Sam was there to comfort me that's all"

"so you need Sam to comfort you before you feel better" asked Phoenix

"No he just happened to be there at the moment" replied Winter

"so why were you sad?" I asked

"it's nothing"

"so you told Sam, but not us?" asked Phoenix

"what makes you think i told Sam" said Winter

"i don't know, maybe because you said he comforted you"

"yeah doesn't mean i told him what happened! you know what forget it..." Winter walked away

"it's okay, he'll come around" I reassured



I was drawing in my sketchbook, having tiny chats with Gianni and Sam, when I noticed Winter and his friends walking in, Winter gave me a little wave but just ignored it continued my drawing, they sat behind us and i could hear them talking

"So ya'll psyched for the trip" asked Phoenix, the one that dumped food on Gianni, they wore their student ID'S

"I'm super psyched" said Cole, the red head

"I can't come" said Winter

"why..."asked Cole

"well y'know my grandma's surgery? it's today, and my parents both sent $50k each, i thought they'd add something but turns out they sent the exact amounts, such a greedy gus" Winter replied

"oh wow, that's sad, well there's only one day left and i heard we're gonna be visiting that Art museum you like, I can pay for you-" said Cole but was cut off by Winter

"no no, don't worry, there's always next time"


"Cole i'm serious, you've done more than enough for me, don't worry"




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