
44 4 8

August 16, 2021

Hi! My name is Valentina. I'm 17 and I'm going to a new school called Green Meadow High. This is my high school story. Let's start from the beginning.

- - - - - VALENTINA'S POV - - - - -

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- - - - - VALENTINA'S POV - - - - -

What time is it? I should probably check my phone. Oh, It's 6:48. I'll get ready early I guess.

I yawn as I walk over to the bathroom to change into my uniform and brush my teeth.
After I come out of the bathroom, I go to the living room and see my mom.

"¡Buenos Dias Valentina! ¡Tengo un pan tostado para ti!" She told me.
I reply, "Ok. Gracias mamá!"

As I eat my breakfast, I put on my shoes and grab my backpack.

"Try not to miss that bus, Val! I'm not gonna be able to drive you to school."
"I know mama! I'm not gonna miss it! I woke up quite early so I'm getting to the bus stop early and that means I'm getting to school early." I reply sounding annoyed.
She said "Ok ok! I'm just joking with you princesa."

I check the time on my phone. It's 7:10. I pack my backpack and tell my mom goodbye and then I get on the bus and get to school.

"Ok, I'm leaving now mom."
"Ok love. Have a fun first day at school!"
"I will, adiós mama! te amo!"

I start walking over to the bus and as I pay for my bus ticket another person jumps on the bus and bumps into me.

"Sorry, excuse me." They said
"It's okay." I replied

I take my seat near the front of the bus and the person who bumped into me sat next to me

"Um.. Hello.." They said quietly.
I stop for a moment before responding, "Uh.. Hi?"
"Where are you headed? Green Meadow High?" They asked nicely
I replied "Um, yes I am! It's my first day there."
They said, "Oh! That's cool."
"Uh, how did you know that I was going there?"
"Just had a feeling." They reply with a toneless voice
"Oh okay. Anyways what is your name?"
"My name? My name is Catalina."
"What a pretty name! My name is Valentina."
"That's a nice name."

Our stop approaches

"This school is pretty big huh? I hope people are nice here." I thought to myself

I walk into the school feeling nervous but excited.

"I'm kind of nervous." I say in a tight voice
"Just stick with me. Who's your homeroom?"
"Mrs. Hart."
"I'm in Mr. Aryal's homeroom and they're on the same floor!"

Bell rings

"Oh. Looks like it's time for class. We should go then."
"I'll just follow you since I have no idea where to go." I laughed nervously

In class

"Ok class, we have a new student this year. Please introduce yourself."
"Um.. Hi i'm Valentina Alvarez." I said in a soft-spoken voice
"Ok Valentina, you can sit next to Madison over there." She says, pointing to a girl with beautiful light brown hair, gorgeous brown eyes and tan skin.

" She says, pointing to a girl with beautiful light brown hair, gorgeous brown eyes and tan skin

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"Um.. ok." I stuttered a bit, looking at her.

As I sit down, she starts talking to me.

"Um.. hi..?" I replied
"What's your schedule?"
"Uh.. Well, I have Mr. Aryal 2nd period, Ms. Khan for 3rd, Mrs. Katz 4th, Mr. Balog 5th, Mrs. Wong 6th."
"Oh, we have the same schedule!" She says excitedly
"Oh wow! That's cool."
"Maybe we should stick together."
"Yeah, that'd be cool."

After Class

I was walking to my next class and then I hear a voice call out to me, "Hey Valentina!"
I turn around to see Madison, "Oh! Hey Madison." I replied.
"Since we have the same schedule, I figured we should walk together", She says with excitement. No clue why she's so hyper but it's cute.
"Oh! Uh sure."
She suddenly asks, "Sorry if it's weird to ask since we kind of just met but uh, would you wanna hang out with me at lunch?"
"Of course. It's not weird at all!" I replied.
She says smiling and bashful, "Yeah. You seem really cool so I just wanted to ask."
I giggled a bit, "You think i'm cool?"
"Well of course. But anyways let's head to class!" She grabs my arm as we walk to Mr Aryal's class.

 But anyways let's head to class!" She grabs my arm as we walk to Mr Aryal's class

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Wow, it's only the first day of school and I already have a friend? How fun!

I think this year might be a good year.

A/N: That's the end of the prologue!! Hope you enjoyed this <3

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 21 ⏰

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