The Beginning

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"Holly shoot! This is amazing! Its Beautiful! The way the sun sets on the water is so pieceful, and calming." Dizzy turns and looks at Brigade and holds out her paw. "Its so beautiful isn't it!"
"Yes it is hun, now be careful and get down off those massive rocks!"
Dizzy slowly and carefully gets off the rocks and jumps onto brigade's back. "Lest go back home, dad."
"Hold on Diz, were gonna miss the best part! When the sun sets below the water is the best." Dizzy watches as the sun slowly disipear undr the glowling water. "Its really pretty dad, now let's go alreaddyyy!"
Dizzy and he father walk home as it starts getting darker and darker.

Hope you guys enjoy this, I might not update often but I will update.•
~there will be typos xD ssooorrryyyy~

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