mistletoe (missiletoad /j)

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Stan had invited Kyle over for some random Christmas party that Tolkien was hosting; Kyle wasn't there to celebrate, just to hang out with Stan.

The two of them were in Kyle's car, with an awkward silence and thick tension in the air. This silence would soon be broken as Stan turned on the radio in Kyle's car, causing music to sputter out the radio and surround them in holiday tunes. (Just what was trending at the time of December.)

"Stan- dude!" Kyle yelled a little, trying to turn the radio off, but the ravenette kept stopping him.

After a while, the two started laughing, then turned to giggling, snickering and then silence as they reached their destination.

First Stan got out and hurried to Kyle's side, opening the door for him with a stupid smile. "After you, sir Kyle."

Kyle played a long a bit, exiting dramatically and then walking next to Stan as they entered.

The entrance was decorated accordingly with a lot of Christmas related items almost everywhere you looked; the place looked like a fancy store except you couldn't take anything to buy.
Not that it would be affordable, anyways.

Off in a corner was a table with some snacks and drinks, Stan immediately rushed to it and picked up a drink.

"You want one?" Stan offered to the redhead, picking up another cup for him.
Kyle simply shook his head then said, "If I'm supposed to be driving you home, I'm not getting drunk."

"Kinda figured anyways." Stan shrugged, starting to walk with Kyle around the place.

The ravenette would spot an entryway with a familiar decoration on it; mistletoe.
This gave him an idea, but he wanted a good moment to do it.

The two of them were sitting on the couch by now, Stan sitting next to his favorite person as he looked through his phone.

It almost felt like everything stopped, just Stan and Kyle, sitting together. Always a very good moment in Stan's book.

A couple of minutes pass and by this point they were just watching Terrance and Phillip episodes on Kyle's phone, with the occasional conversation sparking.

The ravenette almost forgot about what he planned-no, wanted to do with his friend, maybe boyfriend by now, he didn't really know.

"Hey Ky?" Stan asked, looking over to the redhead next to him.

"Yeah?" Kyle replied, looking over at Stan with a raised eyebrow.

"You wanna walk with me real quick?" Stan looked a little nervous by his expression, but Kyle didn't seem to notice. This gave Stan a small confidence boost.

"Sure; did you need to tell me something?" Kyle got up with Stan, starting to follow him to where Stan was leading them.

"Uh- no.." Stan mumbled, looking extremely obvious that there was something he wanted to say, but wasn't saying it.

"I know that look, Stan, you can say it."



Stan stayed silent as he felt himself getting nauseous, mostly because of the situation and what he wanted to do.

The uncomfortable silence lingered with them as they finally made it to where Stan wanted to stop, which followed Stan puking on the floor and Kyle's shoes.

"Aw sick!" Kyle yelped, quickly stepping back and grabbing something to wipe his shoes off.

"My bad.." Stan muttered, feeling incredibly guilty.

"Nah- it's alright man." Kyle reassured his nauseous friend, patting him on the back. "Here, I think you need this." The redhead would pass a clean wipe to Stan, to which the ravenette cleaned himself to the best of his ability.

"Thanks, dude." Stan chuckled a little as he threw the dirtied wipe in the garbage nearby, along with his empty cup.

"Mhm, no problem." Kyle nodded, smiling at the other, getting a smile returned to him.

Just as fast as Stan remembered, he leaned in quickly and gave Kyle a peck on the cheek and then puked on kyle's shirt just as fast.

Kyle was taken aback for a second, blushing a little hard then noticed the puke on his shirt and screamed like a girl, to be dramatic.

"Shit- my bad.. again." Stan quickly apologized, adding, "here- do you want to wear my hoodie?" Stan offered, taking off his hoodie.

"Sure..thanks." Kyle said slowly, taking off his shirt quickly and putting on stan's hoodie.

Kyle was blushing, Stan noticed but said nothing.

"So.. uh..you like me, huh?" Kyle started, chuckling awkwardly. Stan nodded his head slowly, unable to bring himself to speak again because he knew vomit was bound to spew out of his mouth again.

"Well," Kyle started before giving Stan a peck on the cheek in return. "I like you too." Kyle smiled, now feeling extremely giddy.

They left the party a few hours later after discussing their feelings about one another, coming to a simple conclusion.

Their hands entwined as they went to Kyle's car to leave,

A Christmas well spent.
In both of their books.

It's been a while, huh?
I actually haven't had a lot of motivation recently, cause of school, but I magically got the idea to do a little holiday style for fun, surprisingly during school.

Anyway, byebye!!! o/

(Art by: eatbabies0 on twitter/tumblr)

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 15, 2023 ⏰

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