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December 5, 2000
(Y/n)'s Bedroom

"But can't you stay here a little longer—I don't get it?" Justin huffed, crossing his arms.

"Yeah, this school thing sounds like it sucks!" Chris added as he tapped on AJ's tank, watching the tiny fish swim circles.

"How many times do I have to tell you guys, it's not my choice—I have to go to school." (Y/n) groaned, she had explained the concept of school to the dolls countless times at this point.

"It sounds fun to me." JC gave a wide smile. (Y/n) grinned back lightly, slipping her suffocating grey and pink striped sweater.

"It's most definitely not fun, it's more like prison." She huffed lightly, trying to adjust the itchy sweater. "I hate this thing." She tried stretching the colar away from her neck.

"Why are you wearing it then?" Justin rolled his eyes slightly. He still wasn't pleased at being awoken at 6:45 a.m. by (Y/n) getting ready for school.

"Because mom says I'll freeze to death if I don't." She replied back just as snappy. "Whats got your panties in a bunch, Curly?" She scoffed, running a brush through her hair.

"You and this stupid school thing!" Justin exclaimed.

"Well I can always take you back to the store, Curly. Watch it!" (Y/n) shot him a glare, sloppily tossing her brush on her bed and putting on her bookbag.

Justin stuck his tongue out at her when her back was turned, walking back into the wooden dollhouse. Lance followed close behind.

"Why are you such a jerk to her?" Lance asked quietly. (Y/n) got up to catch the bus when her cat; Frank, started nuzzling against her legs.

"Aw, c'mon Frank—I don't have time to feed you." She grumbled, her attention snapping back to the dolls. "Boys, you have a chore today—feed Frank while I'm at school got it?"

She said quickly, hearing her mother call for her from the kitchen. "Where's the food?" JC asked, his brows creasing slightly as he twiddled with his plastic hands.

"Oh—on my dresser," She pointed up at the tall white dresser under her Britney Spears poster. "And you should be worried 'cause she definitely bites." (Y/n) said smugly, making sure to stick her tongue out at Justin before quickly leaving the room.

"She's the worst." Justin pouted, crossing his little arms, his curls bouncing slightly as he stomped his foot down.

"She's not that bad, Justin." Lance rolled his eyes, joining the others on (Y/n)'s desk. JC was more focused on feeding the cat like he was told.

"How are we gonna reach the damn thing?" Joey said exactly what JC was thinking. Joey lightly tugged on the purple curtains, seeing their strength.

"And why is everything so freakin' girly?!" Justin continued on his rant. "And why does she have Backstreet Boys posters and not us! She even has that snooze fest "98°" but not us?! Bullshit." He grumbled.

"Stop complaining so damn much, Curly!" Chris sighed, absolutely exasperated by Justin's words. Joey started climbing onto the curtains, JC watching closely as to make sure he wouldn't fall.

"Stop! Don't call me that! You know when (Y/n) does it, it pisses me off!" Justin growled, stomping once again.

"Lance, Chris, Justin! Can you get the cat bowl out!" JC called, putting his hands up as Joey wavered on the curtains slightly, climbing higher.

"Why me?!" Justin gasped, but Lance flicked the back of his head. "Stop."

Chris and Lance started hopping down to the floor where the cat bowl was. Justin joined them soon after. As the three of them dragged the bowl out they heard a loud hiss from behind them.

"AaaaAAaaAhhhHhh!" Lance screamed, falling on his ass as he was met face to with Frank, the ginormous my fat cat.

Chris and Justin started laughing at Lance's reaction, Justin even doubling over as Lance continued screaming his head off. Everything was all fun and games until Justin was hit across the room by Frank's paw.

At that point Chris started screaming as Justin hit the wall. He ran as the cat started chasing him—all three boys screaming bloody murder as the chase began.

Chris ran as fast as his little legs would let him, the cat just arms length away. JC and Joey were still focused on getting the tin of cat food down.

Joey had successfully gotten onto the dresser and started trying to push it onto the ground. Chris did a mudslide under the bed, forcing the striped cat to stop chasing him.

Instead, the cat went for Justin as Lance continued screaming in the corner. Justin let out a high-pitched Yelp as he started running. "Help! HELP!!!" He screamed, jumping and running across the fuzzy carpet.

Joey had got the tin about halfway off the dresser. Lance shouted; "JC!!!!"

JC's head immediately snapped down to the sight of Justin running and flaling his arms like a ragdoll as Frank chased him.

"JOEY!!!!" JC called immediately. Justin ran toward the dresser just as Joey pushed the tin off of it—

It fell onto Justin with a loud "CRACK!!!"

all of the boys started screaming as all that could be seen from under the tin was Justin's plastic arm. Chris crawled out from under the bed seeing how the tin fell on Justin and how the cat food was everywhere.

The door opened and all the boys froze as they looked to see an out of breath (Y/n) standing in the doorway. "I forgot my math textbook...WHAT THE HELL HAPPENED?!"

She exclaimed as she saw the mess...then she saw the tiny arm sticking from under the tin. She quickly picked up the food and then Justin.

"You okay, Curly?" He had his eyes closed as (Y/n) gently picked him up.

"You killed him, Joey!" Chris screamed.

"Well at least he's quiet now." Lance chuckled lightly. "If he was really dead he wouldn't mind me calling him Curly." Lance said matter-of-factly.

"DONT CALL ME THAT!" Justin snapped, his eyes opening immediately.

Chapter Finished:
January 15, 2004

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 16 ⏰

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