Murderous Betrayal

18 1 0

TW: Accidental Murder.

BASIL was walking on the streets after a good day of work at the flower shop in the town, it was midnight, most specifically 7:00pm.

BASIL seemed really tired yet proud of his work at the shop, carrying his tools in his medium sized backpack back to his small yet comfortable home, where he could rest and pass another hard-working day.

The sounds of fireflies chirping and the wind moving BASIL's hair side to side soothingly was very peaceful for the flower boy's ears, he smiled as he enjoyed those sweet sounds of the nature surroundings.

As BASIL walked through the dark streets, his eyes could recognize his best friend SUNNY, resting his back on a nearby tree.

BASIL, concerned and curious about why SUNNY was outside at this hours of time, aproached his friend, leaving his original destination for a moment.

BASIL walked towards SUNNY silently, SUNNY seemed to not notice him and potentially not listening to anything around him.

"Hello SUNNY...!" BASIL said with a soft voice, waving at SUNNY with a smile.

SUNNY seemed surprised by hearing the voice of soembody, looking around and then turning to look back at BASIL "O-Oh... Hi BASIL..." SUNNY said with with a silent voice, stilñ veing a bit surprised at seeing somebody at the moment.

"W-What are you doing this late outside...?" BASIL asked with a bit of concern, looking at SUNNY with a small sign of worry.

"I'm... I'm just trying to rest... These days have been stressful for me..." SUNNY says, looking down as he sighs in stress. "What about you...?" SUNNY asks, his tone unchanged, tilting his head slightly to look at BASIL.

"M-Me...? Oh, I'm just going back home from working at the flower shop... Soon some flowers will be again in stock...!" BASIL says with a tone of happiness, giggling softly.

"Oh ok..." SUNNY says with some interest and small tone of happiness for BASIL.

An awkward silence was present between the both, as they both didn't have really nothing much to talk about nor do, BASIL and SUNNY looked away for a moment in pure akwardness, but BASIL looked back at SUNNY, trying to continue the conversation.

"S-So... Any news on the recital...?" BASIL asked, trying to continue the conversation, he was also curious about the already mentioned event that was near to be made.

SUNNY didn't say anything but he seemed to be angered by the recital being mentioned, but he still tried to keep himself calm and collected, just doing an small sigh of annoyance by it's mention from BASIL.

BASIL, in the other hand, seemed confused on why SUNNY wasn't responding, getting a bit nervous of the situation, he tried to maintain a bit his composture. "SUNNY...?" BASIL tried to call him, receiving still no answer whatsoever, making BASIL a bit more anxious and concerned.

"Leave me alone..." SUNNY answered, scolding quietly with some annoyance, crossing his arms anf looking down towards the floor. BASIL felt uneasy and worried, he felt something wrong was about SUNNY.

"SUNNY, I-Is there something wrong...? I...-" BASIL said with concern, trying to approach SUNNY slowly and maybe calm him down, atleast a bit.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 23, 2023 ⏰

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