1. Yoongi's unwanted attention

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Trigger Warning: Suicide

Yoongi Point of View
"Yoongi, Taehyung you two are working together today for these corrupts"
Seokjin; the first one of the soul collective society had announced while reading what his floating clipboard was saying.

I groaned as we don't get along quite well "Why the loud snake; I would rather the giant nerd kid than him"
I hear Namjoon gasp as Taehyung himself popped his head from the floor and say "Hey! I'm delightful!"
"You literally made everyone think that you were a historical figure the last time you were in the world like that Taehyung!" Seokjin had said while laughing while he rolled his eyes at Seokjin "I am a historian figure I'm Kim Taehyung" as I'm walking to the mortal portal I grumble
"Lets go already and get this over with before I have an aneurysm and die"
I see Jungkook nodding and then his eyes widening "HYUNG YOURE DEAD!"

I laughed as I'm teleporting with an annoyed Taehyung as we set foot into some building for a business while in a building we hide right outside of one of the windows as we see where the souls came from we see a guy and a girl doing what it seems like a suicide pact and they have hung themselves, Taehyung opens the window and I follow as he grabs searches the female's body and I search the male body, then we see it its a two headed snake, not a very powerful corrupt soul but its still corrupt
"Aww look at this cute thing!" Taehyung shrieks and I knock off his hat "dumbass its the two souls they are trying to fuse together" I take my staff and slice one of the head's off while I I collect one of the soul I hear Taehyung scream "Yoongi! WHAT THE FUCK?!" I roll my eyes as I see Taehyung looking away while slicing the other head off the corrupt's head off while he jars up the other soul as we make our way to our next location

While we're walking down the sidewalk nearby a college we see some girl walks up to me in a flirtatious way and say "Hey there! You're hot why don't you come to this party, I can send you the address" The unknown female says as she takes her phone out to type out the address, before she even can type anything Taehyung steps in front of me and in a pissed off tone he tells the female
"He didn't bring his phone sweetie" she then tells Taehyung "I can send it to you, you're also hot" he then shakes his head.
"No thanks."
"There no harm with two extremely hot guys at some college party"
"It Might."

Taehyung then knocks the girl out before alternating her memory and I semi yell.
"Taehyung! You can't be doing that to people" he then shrugged
"She was clearly flirting with you and I got annoyed so it had to be done, besides she wont remember a damn thing about the interaction between us"

Taehyung Point of  View
I don't know why but that girl was getting on my last fucking nerve by being so damn annoying so i had to knock the shit out of her; as we continue the corrupt missions today

once we are done and walk back into the portal Yoongi being the lame buzzkill he is; is already fucking telling what I did to Namjoon hyung
"Yeah he knocked her out and altered her memory like he supposed to be doing that every fucking time he in the mortal world control him Namjoon before I fucking do and you know I'll do some shit."
I see Namjoon holding Yoongi's shoulders before Jungkook comes around and lead Yoongi to a different area then where I am. I I roll my eyes and sit next to Namjoon as I see him giving me a glare and lecture me

"Tae, we don't alter people's memories, Imagine if you didn't know how to properly alter memories, Jin hyung would have an aneurysm and then the demons would capture the poor innocent soul and corrupt it before she even died and then imagine the amount of power that soul would have"
I stood up as I defend myself in a loud tone

"She was so fucking annoying and was flirting with fucking reapers what do you expect me to do go to some college party; if I remember correctly the last time that happened Jungkook and I were in heaps of trouble just for coming back drunk" Namjoon gave me that look like he's going to be continuing his lecture, which he does by saying

"Regardless; Tae you know you can't be messing with the mortals like that, it alters their lifespan, for all we know she'll be on tomorrow's list of corrupts you don't want that do you Tae?" as he explains it i shook my head at his question, understanding the circumstance I put Myself and Yoongi in as we're not exactly mortals and say in a low tone "Sorry Namjoon hyung, sorry Yoongi hyung" as Namjoon nodded i flopped back and dozed off as I was thinking back at today's events

Meanwhile at the exact same time

Jimin's Point of View

"Hey Hobi hyung, isnt that the reapers that Jin has control in?" I look over at my boss/only friend before I see him nodding before I hear him mumble "Where has the cat and snake wander off to, Jimin follow them, but dont intervene" I nod and follow them around from a distance that's where i see the cat and snake arguing while I see a passed out girl in between the two as they walk up I go up to the girl and place a kiss and whisper a chain of words to get her soul to strong for her innocent body before I continue my venture of following the cat and the snake.

They seem intriguing. Almost intoxicating.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 25 ⏰

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