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Years later, Wei Meilin, Wei Jiayi, and Wei Lian, joined their clan. Three beautiful daughters that Wei Ying proudly proclaimed were blooming lotuses.

Secretly, Sesshomaru was relieved his daughters were as beautiful as their older brother. None of them showed malformations or indication of being weak. They were energetic little girls who trained as hard as the other kids who were taught how to fight.

Sesshomaru watched from a distance as all four of his children sparred alongside their Uncle Inuyasha. Human nobles wrinkled their nose at his daughters having taken male interests, but Sesshomaru wasn't one to disparage women. As if a mere human's opinion mattered in demon circles, power was worth more than gender.

His daughters were Ladies of the Western Lands, prime choices for a future marriage. They were the last line of defense and leaders in their homes. If they chose to pursue the path of defeating other warriors, he wouldn't deter them. They learned plenty of tricks from their grandmother to never leave themselves open for sneakier attacks.

His mother, Lady Kimi, expressed absolute enjoyment in teaching her granddaughters how to disarm a man or poison him without them knowing. All of her other tricks, which Sesshomaru wasn't privy to know, were also taught to his beloved girls. Sesshomaru didn't mind. His daughters needed a strong female role model to teach them how to control whatever abilities came from his mother's line.

Lady Izayoi was the one who taught etiquette to his daughters in a softer, more understanding manner. His daughters loved having Lady Izayoi reveal the intricacies of human noble ladies for when they had to interact with the nobles. Her constant presence in his castle smoothed over Sesshomaru's preconceived notions of the woman. She was merely the one who was his late father's other half. There was no disrespect or indication she wished to use her son to usurp him.

In this hidden spot, Sesshomaru watched Inuyasha and Yuan let themselves get tackled to the ground. The boys were older, sturdier, they wouldn't break under rough housing. Especially with Teacher Hiroshi watching their practice with a sharp eagle eye.

Meilin, Jiayi, and Lian helped them get up and then continued on with safer methods of falling. The girls followed suit, unafraid of the loose dirt underneath their feet as they fell. Inuyasha and Yuan were quick to pick them up from the ground. Both of them worried they hurt themselves somehow. As gentle as their intentions were, they needed to realize they wouldn't learn without having to struggle.

Sesshomaru remembered how his mother trained his daughters to the ground, almost ruthless in pushing them to get back up onto their feet. Showcasing the fact that the girls were not weak, they were capable to a certain extent.

"Brother!" Inuyasha took notice of him and ran toward his side. Yuan followed right behind his uncle, eyes sparkling, his smile as big as Wei Ying's beaming grin.


Sesshomaru stood firm as the boys launched themselves into his legs. Inuyasha and Yuan clung onto him, yammering on about the training and asking about his patrol. Sesshomaru didn't have a moment to answer when Meilin, Jiayi, and Lian scrambled onto his back.

Patting all of their heads, Sesshomaru basked in the ease of fear from the children. None of them feared him, just as fearless as Wei Ying when they first met. Inuyasha took time to get used to him, but also behaved similarly to his nephew and nieces.

Sesshomaru answered Yuan and Inuyasha. "The patrol was successful."

Inuyasha and Yuan nodded.

Meilin managed to climb herself up his back and kissed Sesshomaru's cheek. "Are you staying for dinner? No night patrol?"

"I will attend the nightly meal." Sesshomaru said.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 16, 2023 ⏰

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