The Past: Part 1

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He was a lonely child, one without parents, but with great wealth.

His parents were both murdered when he was only three. Both of them were quite wealthy when they still lived.

All that wealth had been transferred to him, along with the family workers.

Many had tried to take that wealth from him, but had been foiled by the head butler who was quite loyal to the little brunette.

His family were well known as kind and helpful to the less fortunate, but another thing they were well known for were their history on the dark crafts.

Dark magic wasn't exactly known by many, him not included.

He had found the beautifully designed book in the basement, hidden inside the chest full of diamonds and golds.

His butler had been away at that time, most were busy because it was almost time for winter.

And so, no one was there to prevent the curse from starting.


The little brunette had read it all, he is quite smart at unknown things that he is interested in, and had followed the instructions to the letter.

Except for one, very important detail.

It was a spell on how to call demons, and not just any demons, demons that came from the very depths of hell.

Instead of one, six had answered his call, all of whom, were quite drawn to the powerful flames that came from the little child.

His large eyes met the eyes of six tall men, all wearing clothes that noblemen would usually wear.

'Hello.' Was his polite greeting, along with a gentle serene smile.

The shock the six had received was quite apparent as almost all of their jaws hanged a bit.

Did this kid just say hi to demons ? Were the thoughts of the confused demons.

A/N: I know my words are redundant
-_- but please do note, English isn't really my first language.

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