Chapter 2

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(This is a few weeks after the incident)
(Mentions of SH!!)
**Total drama buddies! ❤️**
Geoff:Hey dudes and dudettes! For me and brigdettes 4th anniversary we decided to have a... JAPARTYYYYYY!!! It's Tomorrow!!! Just say tell me of your coming
Cody:congrats Geofff!! I'll be coming!!
Heather:I'll come ig
Lindsay:me and Tyson will come!
Tyler:Close enough
Alejandro I'll come for sure.
Noah:I'll come. I have some free time
Cody:Nvm. I'll stay home
Gwen:the switch up💀
Gwen:Oh yea, I forgot about tha
Sierra:I'll come!
Courtney:I'll go
Gwen:I'll goooo
Sierra:pleaseee codyyyy I'll stay with uuu
Cody: okay, fine.
Heather:Cody your friends with Sierra?
Cody:yhhh long story short she got over her Obsession
Heather:makes sense

*Noahs pov*
I really hope I can talk things out with Cody.I really didn't consider it being an accident.I get to the party and there's already some drunk people. I saw Cody with Sierra and i decided to talk to him when he's alone because Sierra will probably tackle me.
I decided to have some drinks.1 became 2, 2 became 4, 4 became 6 and 6 became 8.
    **Cody pov**
Sierra had to go home early and it was only me and DJ that wasn't drunk or tipsy. I decided to leave early since Heather, Alejandro, Courtney and Gwen were drunk or tipsy and I had nothing to do. I call an Uber to pick me up, since I don't have a car. The Uber driver comes and I give him my address and I get home safe and sound.I walk home and I just sit there, wondering why was I born. I look at the sharp razor blade beside me and I grabbed it.I cut deep scars on my arms,legs and chest. I start to doze out..last thing I remember I was lying beside a bloody razor blade.

Will someone find Cody? Will Cody ever forgive Noah?
What will happen next?
343 words 🔮

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