11~ Tied To Him

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Yana's POV,

As I walked out holding the heavy lehenga in my fingers trying not to break down in front of the man who loved my vulnerability.

He was sitting in front of the holy fire in the same drenched white shirt and black pants that were sticking to his muscled body, so why did he tell me to wear bridal attire?

Maybe to mock my fate, for not having the happiness of getting a man, to tell me that he wouldn't be a husband but more like a tormentor to me.

My every step was feeling heavy and my sight was blurry with tears, I didn't want to end up with him once again and live in illusion.

I don't see the man whom I loved in him, he is someone about whom I don't think I know anything.

This marriage would be nothing for him other than another game to mock my feelings for him.

What pleasure Does he get from it?

I stepped on the stairs of the temple and noticed that he got up and walked with calculative steps before forwarding his hand to me.

What a gentleman!!!

Having no option I gave my hand in his and his next action shocked me.

His lips crawled on the back of my palm making a lone tear roll down my cheek.

I noticed him bending on his knees before me and his cold fingers slowly running on my bare feet.

"I promise I would worship the ground on which you would walk my Jaan."

His statement made my heart clutch painfully, those words didn't feel pleasant to my heart.

How much I wish we weren't in this situation.

If we were just as common as years ago, I would have felt in bliss with the thought of marrying the man whom I fell in love with but where is that bliss?

I felt his lips touching my feet and tears rolled down my eyes, with the new pain surging through my heart.

This is no less than a nightmare, he could never realise, he didn't have the heart to think about it though.

"I always wanted to see you in this red colour, adorned for me to be mine as my bride."

His words were painful and he is hell-bent on digging my grave with those thorny phrases.

I felt something warm touching my legs and it took a long minute for me to realise he was crying.

For what those tears were?

They were feeling like acid burning and melting my skin like wax, skinning me most painfully.

No, he can't cry, it would be water droplets, I just live in an illusion of hoping to see the man in him whom I loved once.

My Ardhansh...

He stood on his legs and I lowered my eyes not wanting to show him my tears but felt his hands cupping my cheeks and his thumb wiping my tears.

"Stop it Ardhansh?" My voice broke I didn't feel anything about his actions, he had caused enough damage that couldn't be repaired now.

"Don't ruin this beautiful face with those ugly tears."

How could he? When he is the sole reason behind my misery.

"Those are given by you and I am just taking them as my reward for loving you."

I heard him sighing and felt his fingers slipping under my chin and forcefully lifting it.

He moved his lips closer to mine and I immediately moved my face aside.

Grave (Ashes sequel) #2|18+  (LL Series) ✓Where stories live. Discover now