Chapter 1. Julien

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This isn't how I expected my first day in Corell High to go. One moment, the coach tells everyone that he plans to change the captain of his basketball team, the next moment he says the new captain is me.

Not so surprisingly, my new team doesn't like the very idea of a newcomer suddenly becoming their captain. I won't either especially if it's someone transferred from the rival school. Started the first day in Sports class but as soon as the bell rang, Mason called me out at the field. The other team members followed. To bully me? I have no idea and I don't really give a f*ck.

I don't know their names except for Mason and Lucas but I'm familiar with most of their faces. Mason Sienne is the captain of the Corell High Basketball team, though I guess not any longer. Had to face him head-on in some of the inter-school competitions as I was the captain of Roland High. But things change, I'm in their team now regardless of whether they want me here or not.

"Why did you transfer here, Mclien?" is the first thing Mason asks with a scowl on his face, clearly showing how I'm not welcomed here. Although his scowl pisses me off, I don't plan to fight him or anyone. I can understand why he's mad and I just want my last year to go smoothly. Getting transferred here isn't even something I expected to happen this year but fate can slap you in different ways.

But the thing with Mason and I is that there has always been some subtle rivalry going on between us. Maybe because of the opposing crowd's influence whenever we face each other on the court. We don't hate each other but we don't like each other either.

"I don't owe you any explanation of that, do I?" I calmly ask back but the coach's words earlier must have hit him hard to the core because the next moment, he's grabbing my collars pulling me towards him in a snarl.

"Hey, hey, calm down Mason. No physical." I hear Lucas say, making him release his grip on my shirt.

"Not gonna lie, I'm curious as well. We're graduating in just 12 months, just what is your reason for coming here?" one of the boys asks looking at me.

"It's personal and I'm not going to explain."

"Then why did Coach try to replace me? Did you ask him to?" The tone Mason used is accusing and the guy looks furious that I snatched his position. But I'm not that petty and I already got an agent so there's no reason for me to go around bribing teachers just to stand out.

"If you're mad Coach assigned me the position, then go talk to him instead of bullying me."

"Bullying?" He scoffs walking closer, clearly trying to intimidate me, "Do you know what real bullying looks like?"

"I don't, seems like you do though."

The thing about me is that I can't shut up whenever I have a retort that rings loudly in my mind. So when a punch broke right into my chin pushing me to fall back on the ground, I am not even surprised.

"What the f*ck did you just say?"

"Hey, hey Mason, stop. You'll get into trouble." The boys try to stop him but I'm already too pissed that he made this physical. Taking the chance I quickly hook my foot on his, making him stumble into a fall. Quickly standing up, I dust off the grass from my pants and maintain my composure just to piss him off. And I can't help but smirk his way when he glares up at me.

"You f*cking-! Heard your daddy kicked you out, is that why you transferred?"

I stop in my tracks and glare back at him. Like I said, I'm not here to fight anyone but if anyone dares put in their one cent to my family issues, I dare not say what I can do.

"Woah, so the rumours are right? That you are the il-" I cut him off by pulling him up and giving him a hard punch in his face.

"I didn't expect you to be this low, Sienne. Bringing out someone's personal matters? Do you want to be the star boy that bad? Too bad the coach gave it to me, and you ain't ever getting it back-" And then he hit me again and I punched him back. This goes on for a while as the guys around try to pull us apart but we're just trying to grab each other's throats at this point. Soon a crowd of students flock to the scene to watch us like we're some kind of zoo animals.

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