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makayla put her key in the door, gently turning it until she heard the lock click. it was 8am and she was only just getting back to her room. she hadn't even spent the first night at college in her room and, whilst people might've thought that was bad, she was actually happy with herself. that had been her plan since arriving at the bonfire, and she was glad to have followed it through.

she wasn't glad, however, about sneaking out of the boys room and trying to find her way across campus to her building. she had finally managed it, but now she had to try and enter without waking ryan. she pushed open the door gently, sneaking a look at ryan's bed, and paused awkwardly - he was awake, holding his phone in his hand, but was looking in her direction.

''good morning.''

''hi.'' she replied, shutting the door behind her. ''i didn't know you would be awake.''

''obviously. you took ten years unlocking the door.''

''okay, fuck you, i was trying not to wake you up.''

''where did you sleep?'' he asked, already knowing the answer.

''at a guys.''

''what was his name?''

she opened her mouth and then closed it, a confused look on her face. ''i don't actually know.''

ryan laughed. ''seriously?''

''don't even think about shaming me.''

''i never would.'' he replied genuinely. ''but i did miss you last night.''

she smiled. ''same - i didn't embarrass you in front of nick enough.''

''embarrass me? i've been dating him for four years, bitch.''

''four years?!'' she repeated, her mouth dropping.

''we've been dating since sixteen.''

''damn.'' she mumbled. ''that's a long fucking time.''

''i know so i don't think you can embarrass me but good luck trying.''


''i'm meeting the triplets for lunch. you're coming.''

''i think i'm-''

''i'm not asking you, mak, i'm telling you.''

''oh.'' she replied and then laughed. ''okay but right now, i'm going to sleep.''

''sleep? it's 8am.''

''and i haven't slept.'' 

ryan rolled his eyes. ''fine. i'm waking you up in two hours.''

''fine with me.'' she said, pulling the duvet over her and closing her eyes. ''speak soon.''


makayla showered and dressed before doing her make-up and hair. when she was finally ready, the two of them made their way to the triplets. ryan explained that the three of them were sharing an apartment whilst they were at college and, whilst makayla was doing her best to listen, she couldn't stop thinking about her interaction with chris. 

did he tell anyone? if he did, were nick and matt going to make fun of her? did chris feel awkward around her now? she didn't regret her decision to walk away from him but she was beginning to feel guilty. there were so many questions running around her head and she didn't have any answers.

ryan knocked on the door and they were waiting for a moment before matt pulled it open with a smile. despite not expecting makayla, he dapped her up before allowing them both into the apartment. chris was sitting on the couch, a beanie pulled over his hair. he dapped ryan up but completely ignored makayla which made her stomach drop.

GREEDY, ℂ𝕙𝕣𝕚𝕤 𝕤𝕥𝕦𝕣𝕟𝕚𝕠𝕝𝕠Where stories live. Discover now