chapter 8

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It has been a couple of weeks since I met Nyx, probably been the best weeks for me there. We were buddies now. Her and I always met up around 9 o-clock to eat at the dining pavilion, Chiron allowed me to sit with the children of Hecate since I was the only known child of Hestia. After breakfast I would go get dressed (I would secretly eat in my pajamas) I always wore my red cloak but a voice inside my head told me to not. Wear a cloak given to you by a stranger? Who does that? After I got ready I would find Nyx and we would practice our fighting skills for Fridays, Capture the Flag, That's when everyone would be sorted to two teams and we would fight for the flags. However, there was a tweaking in our well organized schedule. Because we met someone we will never forget, for numerous reasons. This is how it began: Her and I were:

walking when a boy with shaggy brown hair and deep green eyes was talking to his friends the way jocks do, talking and laughing, not to mention pushing each other around like a human ball.  He apparently was forced to come and talk to us.


"What?" I wondered I looked at him like I was stupid.

"He's challenging us." Nyx said in a smart-alec sort of tone. The boy gave her a dirty look. I wondered if they didn't like each other.

"Can someone please tell me what is going on?" I replied to the unknown coversation I was in.

I was no good at volley ball but Nyx insisted, she clearly  was seeking revenge on this boy.

The boy hit the ball.

I was supposed to hit it but it bumped me in the head.

" Saren!" Nyx exclaimed, Nyx cursed at the boy.

"To Hades with you!" The boy shrugged

"It was an accident! " He protested.

"Mhmm, right It was an accident!  Right Charlie,  hurt the girl her first time!"

"Nyx, stop being so melodramatic!  I'm fine, it was an accident." I rubbed my head and we got back up.

"Nyx, who is this anyway?" The boy asked.

"Ugh, do I really have to do a lame introduction!  Charlie, Saren, Saren, Charlie, Capeesh?" She pointed to each of us well rolling her eyes. Charlie snickered as she was angry. In return: She gave him her death glare. Which shut him up.

"In a few minutes Dionysus will do campfire stories" Nyx mentioned I remembered the drunk guy.

"Do you think you can go?" She asked.

"Of course I can go Nyx! Its not like I broke a leg or anything!"

"Oh alright!" Nyx scowled.

At the campfire everyone gathered well Dionysus told us how he was cut up and eaten, he even showed some of his scars! the campfire was magenta ( which meant everyone was amused) suddenly it turned a baby blue color, nobody looked sad though, the campfire started to bring forth bubbles! It was cool but Dionysus was nervous, like there was an interference, the campfire exploded a voice spoke

"Give me the daughter of the women who betray me!" out of the campfire came a giant monster that looked like a hydra, it wasn't though is one of Poseidon's well known monsters, it was Scylla!

writers note: don, don, DOOOOON!!!!!!!

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