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[Notes: first, Enchanted Doll It's a crazy idea I had while I couldn't sleep. this story has a different mood and an eccentric plot... dont take it too seriously, bc what was shown in the story may not be absolute truth in magic with dolls. treat the plot only as fantasy and dont reproduce anything without being aware of what you are doing
I will also emphasize that English is not my first language, this is a translation of a work I wrote in another language, there may be idiomatic variations. If you find any errors or phrases that dont make sense, send me a message here on Wattpad chat! ♡
that is all, enjoy the book and always look under the bed before going to sleep]

Enchanted Doll - Written by bemauve


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Single Chapter

Welcome to the history... or alert. You can interpret it however you want.

I don't know who you are, and I don't care. But I hope you don't make the same mistake as me. Do not make friends with enchanted dolls and, most importantly, don't turn them into humans!

Yeah, I know, you must think I'm crazy. "Jihoon, how am I going to do this? It's impossible", that nagging little voice in your head must be thinking. Well, the answer is simple: Magic! But don't think that it's so easy to give a breath of life to the doll and do it... Oops, I almost told you the best part of it earlier than I had planned.... First, let's look at the reports of the following paths that should not be taken. It will be interesting, I promise.

It was a Thursday and the moon was waning. I remember even writing it down in my Grimoire. I was determined to practice something new that I had trained that day, but I didn't do anything except procrastinate. I put my marimo in one of the windows of my room to be bathed by the moon. So I just walked downstairs.

The day before, my grandmother had bought dozens and dozens of rag dolls to sell as decorations in the family store on Halloween. She would customize it in different ways, following the standard scary theme or requests. Among these dolls, one in particular caught my attention, the one my grandmother was playing with at that moment. It had arrived damaged, its seams were loose, and a piece of what was supposed to be its face was missing, causing the stuffing to leak out on the left side, giving the impression that the doll was deformed. Grandma threw it away. There was a way to fix it, but it would take a lot of work. So my brilliant mind thought it would be a good idea to say:

"Can I have it?"

Of course my grandmother gave it to me. I remember that I didn't even have dinner that day, I ran straight to my room with the deformed doll. There was a video playing in my head that I had seen on the Internet. It was about magic with dolls. It wasn't exactly the way I had planned it, but it was exactly the way I was going to do it.

It took me weeks to rebuild the doll. The deformed part on the left side of his face was repaired with red crochet thread, if it weren't for the color, he would look new, but I must admit that it gave the doll a special charm. I also undid the stitching, the filling, and then redid it the way I wanted it. It was one of the requirements of the ritual, which I followed to the letter for days after researching and studying some books I found on the Internet.

"Hoshi" I wrote his name on a piece of paper and placed it, along with the stuffing, inside the doll, near what would be his imaginary heart, shortly after completing what the ritual required. He would be my friend now, nothing could go wrong!

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