Once upon a nightmare

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This could not be real, could it? My boyfriend can not be dead, can he? The thought killed me. The memories flooded my head. The car accident, the movies, the dinner, the ambulance, the hospital, and finally the funeral. Where I had to face his family. His brothers, his sister his, mom, and dad. Every one who loved him.

The funeral was horrifying, his body lay in a white casket limp and cold. His mom sat beside him and weeped. I was frozen with pain and sorrow. Friends apologized for my loss. That wasn't going to bring him back. I wanted to see him one last time. Sick I know. I was afraid his mom would blame me or hate me. I was surprised, she hugged me and silently cried into my shoulder. I started crying to. She let go of me and moved out of the way so I could see him. He was pale, lifeless, and dull. He looked nothing like the enthusiastic Tom I knew and loved."I'm so sorry" I whispered. Tears rolled down my cheek. The funeral home was filled with pictures from football, vacations, when he was young, and even the occasional picture of me and him.

Tom was a tall guy. He had baby blue eyes and an amazing smile. His laugh was contagious. He had sandy brown hair. It was long but not to long, the perfect length. Every body loved him! I mean who wouldn't? He was the quarter back, but he was really smart. He was class president too! He was perfect, almost to perfect.

I loved him so much. Now he's gone, forever. His family doesn't know the whole story of what happened that night. I was driving the car. He was in the passenger seat, his parents thought he was driving. I didn't know how to tell them. I didn't lie nobody asked me what happened, not that I would say. It was horrifying, he died in my arms. I Got in the ambulance covered in his blood. I went in the ambulance with him but it was already to late. He was slowly slipping away

We went out to a movie, and dinner that night with some friends to celebrate toms birthday, even though his birthday was last week. His friends and there girlfriends were 3 years older than us, so they were able to drink. Tom was 19, I was 18. Toms friends occasionally slipped him beer when no one was looking, that's why I was driving, he didnt want me to get hurt, that's why he's dead...

The news said Tom died on the scene of the crash, that's not true he was alive in the ambulance. He was talking to me, softly and weakly but talking. He told me how much he loved me, how he never wanted to lose me. He didnt lose me I lost him. I think he knew he was dying that he wouldn't survive. That's why he told me not to forget him, that he would always be with me no matter what. I didn't understand at first, but I do now.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 28, 2013 ⏰

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