He arrives at the hospital with Y/N prancing around the waiting room. The doctors walk out of the room with bad and good news. Hika runs up to the doctor. "How is she doc!?" He asked with tears forming in her eyes. ⚠️⚠️⚠️"She's alive and healthy but unfortunately she lost a lot of blood so she might need some special treatment for a few months. If you would've called sooner she could've been able to get cured by today but we're glad you called when you did. Visiting hours are from 8:00 am to 10:30 pm." The doctor nods and walks away Hika runs into the patient room with tears falling down his face 60 tears per minute "Y/N!!" He falls to his knees "Why Didn't I help you!? I'm so stupid!" His eyes widen when he. Feels a hand on his "It's okay.." a faint voice says. He looks up to see her looking at him with a sick smile. "Y/N.. you're awake.." she smiles again "And well." She coughs "Well maybe not well but I'm here right?" Silence fills the room "I'm sorry I killed your servant but she tried to slit my throat!" His eyes widen "What?.." she looks away "Yea she said you were supposed to be her's."He sits in silence "Oh.." she smiles "But it's okay I'm okay now and all I need is you.." *She slowly closes her eyes Hika held Y/N close to him worried to lose her. He then whispers in her ear and asks, "Could you maybe tell me the whole story..?" Y/N looks up at him and hesitates for a moment before slightly nodding. He then realized that she fell asleep in his arms and he continues to hold her not wanting to let her go. The nurse then comes in and says, "I'm sorry sir visiting hours are over you may come back tomorrow if you'd like to." Hika gently sets down Y/N gently and says, "Thank you I'd love to come back tomorrow." He holds Y/N's hand for a minute before letting go. He stands up fully and exits the room. While he is walking through the Hospital he gets another flashback from when he was younger. In his head he heard the voice of his mother. Hika tries to shake it off but he can't get the words of his mother out of his head. He snaps back to reality and leaves the building. He gets to his car and unlocks it. He drives off but not back to his house. He drives to the bar and walks into the bar. Hika entered the bar and didn't stay he just bought a whole bottle. After he bought the bottle he walked outside. Suddenly someone ran up to him and grabbed the bottle of beer. Hika didn't care anymore he just wanted things to go back to normal.
Mafia love
RomanceA love story/drama/juicy content. With a man thats a billionaire and a girl who his struggling to keep food on the table