Ch. 2: New Students

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On the other side of the arch was what looked like a small satellite campus for a college, complete with a welcoming yard. The humans examined the front entrance of the school before deciding to go in and see if they could find anyone inside. "I can't believe we've found it." Frisk whispered as she turned to face (Y/N) and Justin "This is one of Ebbott Mountain University's satellite campuses. We're in the Ruins! You have to start getting pictures, (Y/N)! This could make headlines!"

Her older sister could only shake her head. The building could be anything but the Ruins Campus. She still got photos anyway, just in case someone was actually willing to put it on the front page of a newspaper or at least listen to the tale. "Although I still doubt anyone's down here, I'll do it for you, Frisk." spoke the aspiring journalist "Even if no one else cares about this, we still have memories of exploring this place."

The same golden flower from before now watched as the trio passed through the doors of the college and entered the building. It's smile seemed to curl deviously before it borrowed into the ground again. Another three pairs of eyes seemed intriguing by the new humans. The first one was an orange ghost who peeked out from where they were hiding to examine the newcomers angrily. The second was another ghost. They sported a pastel pink hue and were the most curious out of the three. The last was a pure white ghost with headphones. They seemed to be the shyest as they watched the students nervously.

"It seems we have guests!" sang the rose-colored ghoul "I hope these three end up staying. I would love to get to know them." They phased through the walls of the school, the other two ghosts tailing behind.

"Happsta, you know befriending humans is wrong!" scolded the orange specter "King Asgore wouldn't allow it! Not after what happened to Prince Asriel and Prince Chara! Besides, necrophilia is also wrong! What human would want to be with a ghost?"

Happstablook knew their cousin meant well. But they still had a deep fascination with humans. They couldn't pass up this opportunity to really meet one. They had waited for this their whole life! They had to take the chance! "Maddie, this won't end up like last time." they began "They left partly because you scared them off. I was only drawing positive attention to us by dropping hints and flirting."

This only made the situation worse as Maddstablook's anger rose. "Flirting? Flirting?! FLIRTING?!" shouted Madds "You thought flirting would make them notice?! Foolish! Foolish!! FOOLISH!!!" Unfortunately, Happstablook's flirting also scared off other humans as well. The pink phantom refused to admit it.

"Well, Madds has a point." the pale ghost chimed in "You did scare them, too. I'm sure we all did." The two other ghosts turned their attention to them before looking back at each other. "It didn't help that they heard my music..." the white ghoul continued.

"Blooky, don't feel bad about doing something you enjoy." Happstablook reassured them "They probably didn't like techno and vaporwave anyway. These newbies might, though! They look like they're from a decent town or village on the surface so, I'm sure their taste in music is quite refined."

Maddstablook pointed out that the bell was about to ring and soon Miss Toriel would come back from lunch. It was time for them to leave since they had to fuse with their new bodies before their next class. The ghosts phased through the walls and disappeared before anyone saw them.

~~~Time Skip~~~

The three newcomers had just spoken with Miss Toriel. Their class schedules were the same as those of the monsters who lived in the Ruins. Since there was only one qualified staff at the Ruins Campus, Toriel taught every class. Occasionally, she had to take breaks for a day or so and had other monsters step up to take her place. There also weren't many classes offered at the Ruins Campus due to its small size, staff, and population. Sure, the students often requested to expand the options more. Unfortunately, the Ruins Campus doesn't have enough room to accommodate and the students are told to venture out into the rest of the Underground to find the right classes.

Now, the human students were in their first class at the Ruins Campus. It was similar to Enlish and Literature courses from the surface since it covered the literature and language of the Underground. The other campuses have similar classes as well. The curriculum was just slightly different. As the three humans took thorough notes during the lesson, (Y/N) noticed one monster in the front row who looked different than the rest of the students. It appeared to be a male robot with headphones and high-tops. This student really intrigued the human since he had a striking resemblance to humans.

It wasn't long before Toriel began writing something on the chalkboard behind her. "Now, if you could all direct your attention to the board, I'd like to go over your cumulative project for the semester." the goat monster began, turning to face the class again "You're going to have to write an essay about a topic that truly interests and captivates you. It could be on meteorology, child development, crime, or any other subject you have a passion for. I hope you remember to strive for those B's and A's because the best essay will be submitted to our newspaper."

Frisk's face lit up instantly and she nudged her older sister's arm. (Y/N) saw this as an opportunity to ensure there's a good story on the front page and began brainstorming a few ideas.

"This will also be a group project so, two lucky students will be able to have their work featured in the paper." Toriel explained "Pair up and discuss your ideas. Write down anything that stands out to you both and do not be afraid to visit the library for your research. This assignment will count toward your final grade and you will receive bragging rights if your story gets accepted. Do remember to stay humble, though!"

Frisk and (Y/N) began discussing what their paper could be about. There were many different topics that readers would be interested in. "What about a brief explanation of the surface?" asked Frisk, cheery smile on her face "They might like that one."

(Y/N) simply shook her head. She didn't think writing about the surface was a good idea. The monsters have been trapped under this mountain for decades. They would love to hear about the latest advancements humans have made but, (Y/N) feared what a story like that would cause. "I don't think so. Maybe we could go for a report on how the Ruins Campus is lacking in classes and activities?" the eldest sister suggested "You never know what that would do for the school. I think it'll spark some change here."

(Y/N) was right. It would spark positive change. But it could also change for the worse. Toriel could kick them out of the Ruins Campus if she read the paper. It was a huge risk, yet (Y/N) was willing to take it.

"Are you sure about that?" Frisk queried, clearly worried about the topic. She didn't want to be kicked out due to their paper. She wanted to stay as long as she could before venturing out into the rest of the Underground. "I really think we should go with my idea, sis." warned the younger sister "It's not as risky. It does still have a chance at sparking positive change, though."

(Y/N) knew her sister meant well. It was clear Frisk wanted to give monsters hope and help them get out. But that wouldn't be an easy task. There were probably stronger monsters outside the Ruins that actually want them dead. (Y/N) wasn't ready to handle that. She also wanted her sister to be happy. So, she put her fear aside and gave in.

"You know what? You're right." spoke (Y/N) with full clarity "You're right about your idea sparking change. We could definitely write about the surface. But I'd also like to mention how Ebbott Mountain University could benefit from interacting with human colleges. Just think of all the extracurricular activities both races could share!"

Frisk seemed to really enjoy this new plan. It combined both ideas and created the opportunity to give hope back to the monsters. It was a chance for them to be free without any violence. "(Y/N), that's genius!" exclaimed Frisk "Pure genius! We have enough information about the surface to use. We just need to gather more about the Underground and we can write this!" Frisk shot up from her seat and grabbed her bag, heading for the classroom door. "Let's hurry to the library to start our research."

Her big sister followed suit and let Justin know where they were headed. They had to ask any monsters they could and read about the Underground before pulling together a rough draft. Fortunately, Toriel gave them plenty of time to work with since most of her students were learning to write professional papers and articles. This meant the sisters had ample time to study and plan.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 24 ⏰

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