Shaking ground

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The next day,Agatha got ready to the first day. With not many expectations...Who was she trying to fool,she was terrified.

As she entered the school doors,she did felt some stares,but nothing harmful.Agatha decided to go straight to her class,since it would hard to find the room.Headphones on her ears,she jumped when she felt a warm hand on her shoulder."Jesus Christ.You almost killed me Robin."Agatha put a  dramatic hand on chest,Robin chuckles."So,what do you think so far?"Robin asks sitting next to Agatha.

"Pretty normal,well...I got a few dirty looks,from this group of girls,because there boyfriends were looking at me. Like I have interest on guys whose hair looks a pineapple."Agatha confessed."You found the cheerleaders and the basketball team,pretty much all of them are douchebags."Robin commented.

"Lovely to know."Agatha said sarcastly,both girls looked at the teacher walking in the class."Why does she looks like an ogre?"Agatha whispered to the blond."That's our history teacher,get used to that face,she's always looks like this."Robin whispered back.

They didn't talk much in the rest of the class,when finally the rang,the teacher had the kindness to ask for a project."Do you wanna do it together?"Robin asked turning to Agatha,that was packing her things."Sure.We are still unpacking things at my house,so it is quite a mess. Is it okay if we do it at yours?"Agatha asked nervously.

"Yeah,no problem.What class do you have next?"Robin asked walking side by side.

"I have math."

"I have english,by the way I have band practise today,we can meet up in my house,unless you want to wait for me?"Robin asked watching the girl putting her books on her locker.

"Yeah, I can wait for you."Agatha smiled at  the girl, the bell rang making both girls having to through seperate ways.

"I'll see you later Aggie."Robin said,Agatha was surprised from the nickname,but brush it off.


Agatha was watching Robin playing together with the rest of the band,it wasn't boring,Agatha actually enjoyed it ,sharing very often eye contanct with the blonde,showing the girl that she was doing good. The practising was over,Agatha did notice some eyes stuck on her,this boy he didn't played any instrument,but he was coming on her way.

"Hey I'm James,I see that Buckley brought you with her,did you enjoyed it?"He started the conversation."Oh I loved it,they have so much energy.I'm Agatha nice to meet you."Agatha said extending her hand for him to shake,which he shakes politely not letting go yet.Agatha was so distracted because of how easy the boy was to talk,she didn't realized Robin eyes on her.The blond quickly came back to life,giving her attention again to this red head.

"It was nice to meet you too .Can I have your number?If we don't encounter at school maybe we could hang out some time,maybe go to the movies."He said ,Agatha was surprised.Yes the guy was handsome,and it was impossible for her to not feel some sort of attraction,but they just met,and besides she's doesn't want a romance,maybe he wanted to be friends,right?

She nodded grabbing a pen,there was no place to write,she grabbed his hand and wrote on it."Thank you,I'll call you later."James said grabbing his bag and leaving.She then made her way towards Robin that was already waiting for her.

"So I see you met James."Robin said smiling at the girl."Yeah,he is pretty nice actually,he asked for my number."Agatha said as they made their way towards her car,entering it.

"Look I know we meet yesterday,and I have no right to say  anything about what you do.But I feel like I should warn you about him.When it comes to girls,James can be a little bit of a moron."Robin rambled,quickly correcting herself afraid of what would the girl think."Sorry I shouldn't have said nothing,it's none of my business."Agatha grabbed the girl hand,the other on the steering wheel.

"Calm down,I'm glad your warning me,I'm have no interest in romance right now,but it's good to know."Aggie said,the rest of the ride was silent,not unconfortable one,enjoying the music playing on the radio.

"Here we are."Robin opened her front door letting Aggie enter first,looking around,she saw a picture of young Robin,face covered in ice cream."You were adorable."Aggie commented looking at  taller girl next to her."I was covered in ice cream,and had a soccer goal in my mouth."Aggie laughed at Robins comment."Come on."Robin grabbed Agatha hand going to her room.

"Your room is cool."Agatha commented looking around."Thanks."

The next hours were spent on both girls,working on the project.Once they finished,they talked alot,about everything. Robin was really easy to talk with,the conversation would just flow.

"Its getting dark,I should go."Aggie said getting up."I'll walk you to the door."Robin said following the brunnete.

"I had a great time."Aggie says turning around to look at the girl behind her."Me too.We should repeat it sometime."Robin said smiling.

"I'd love that. Bye Robin."

"Bye,drive safe."



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