Why did you do it?

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Felix decided to go to Minho's bed; he needed to smell something comforting. Normally, he would go to Seungmin's bed, but now he feels gross even thinking about it. So, he gets into Minho's bed and quietly cried.

Minho and Jeongin came home expecting Felix to be playing games or something. They didn't expect Felix to be curled up asleep in Minho's bed. Minho ignored it and got dressed, while Jeongin went to the kitchen to get something to eat, as he and Minho hadn't eaten for a while.

When Felix opened his eyes, he saw Minho sitting on the other side of the bed, on his phone. He felt bad for falling asleep in his bed. Hearing movement behind him, Minho turned around and smiled. "Hi."

Felix smiled back before apologizing, "Sorry, I- um... I don't know why I-"

"It's okay, Felix... Did something happen?" He gently touches Felix's face. "You've been crying."

"Nothing, I'm fine," he says as he gets up, but whenhe gets off the bed his legs buckle, and he falls to the ground, Mingo immediately helps Felix sit back on the bed. Minho looks concerned. "Clearly, something's wrong. What happened?"
Felix was silent, staring at the floor. He hesitated before saying, "Jisung kissed me."
Minho smiled "isnt that a good thing?"

"but he left... He got a call from chan and left I- i dont know what to do he clearly doesn't like me"

"Why did he kiss you"
Felix held minhos hand and started fiddling with his fingers
"He said I was beautiful, cute, and hot at the same time. Then he asked if he could kiss me. I said yes, and we kissed. But he left ... Why? "

Minho looked at Felix silently.

"I think you need to talk to him. Tell him how you feel about the kiss, your feelings, your worries..."

"But... The others."

"Felix, why don't you deal with it one at a time? Sort everything out with Jisung, then someone else. I don't know what else to say about it, but yeah..."

Felix was quiet; he felt like he had to have a certain reaction and answer, but he didn't know what that was, so he didn't react or speak.

Minho gently squeezed Felix's hand, "Take your time, Felix."
He gets up and leaves felix alone in the room.

Felix sat in silence and contemplated how to approach Jisung. He was too worried about his reaction—would he be mad, grossed out, happy? What if he hated Felix so much that he tells everyone, and they all hate him, and he gets kicked out?
After lots of thought he decided to tell him.

The next day, everyone was out. 3RACHA were in the studio, Seungmin and Jeongin were somewhere, Minho was at a cat cafe, and Hyunjin was painting in his dorm. Felix, however, was laying in bed, hugging his Changbin body pillow while watching TikTok.

He hesitantly sent Jisung a text asking if they can talk after he's finished. He got a thumbs up emoji as a response.

It had been a couple of hours since then, and he was slightly panicking, but he calmed down by playing Animal Crossing. Then he heard the front door open, and he got a text.

Jisung: Where are you?
Felix: My room.

He heard footsteps approaching, and then his door opened. He saw Jisung smiling at him.

"What's up?"

Felix took a deep breath before speaking, "We need to talk about yesterday..."

Jisung's smile faded, replaced by a serious expression. "Yeah, I've been thinking about it too."

Felix sighed, "Why... Why did you do it?"

Jisung thought about his response for a moment before answering, "I like you, Felix. I wanted to kiss you, and I did. But then Chan called. I didn't want to leave, but I had to."

Felix looked down, tears forming, and he whispered, "No, you don't... In disgusting, weird, annoying,why would you like me back?"

Jisung put his hand on Felix's cheek. "You're not disgusting or annoying. Yeah, a little weird, but so am I and everyone in the group. I love you, Felix. I really do. And I would NEVER kiss someone I don't love like that."

"I really, really love you, and I want to date you, but... If you don't want to, it's fine... I know we can't be open about it, but that's fine."
They were bith silently staring at each other.

"So, would you like to go out with me? It doesn't have to be a proper relationship yet; we can just try it, and if you don't like it, we can stop."

Felix sobbed; he was so happy.

Felix managed a small smile through his tears. "I... I'd like that."

Jisung practically jumped on Felix, hugging him tightly. Then he kissed him. It started off slow and got more passionate. Jisung pulled away and smiled softly, "I love you so much."

Minho got home from the cafe after getting a text from Felix saying, "Can we talk?" So, he rushed back. When he got home, he took his shoes off and went straight to Felix's room. Felix was sitting on his bed, cuddling his body pillow. "Felix, what happened? Were you crying? Did you speak to Jisung? I swear to God if he-"

Felix sniffled, ran to Minho, and jumped into his arms. Minho didn't say aanythin as they hugged in silence. Just as Felix was about to speak, they heard Jeongin and Seungmin's voices in the lounge. Felix pulled away and whispered.

"We talked... I'm not single now."

Minho smiled warmly, proud of Felix. "I'm glad."

The next day, everyone except Felix and Minho were in the lounge picking a movie. Most Friday nights, they all watched a movie together. Felix was going to the toilet, and Minho was doing something in his room. Minho was the first of the two to join the rest, and he sat next to Chan. Not long later, Felix walked in, and Jisung immediately called him over. Felix sat on his lap, Jisung kissed his forehead, and Minho smiled, pretending not to notice the slightly annoyed look on Hyunjin's face.

They couldn't decide what to watch, so Felix chose the 'Haunting of Bly Manor.' It was a series that Felix watched with Jeongin; he had been really obsessed with it. After they watched it, Felix was crying, as he always does every time he watches it. Jisung and Hyunjin were also crying, mainly because Felix was crying. Chan wanted to cry a little but held it in, knowing Seungmin would use it against him at some point. The others were watching them with bored expressions, except Minho, who just didn't react, though he was slightly sad, mainly because he was imagining Dani as Felix and Jamie as Jisung, but he would never admit it.

Felix wiped away his tears, and Jisung held him close. Minho glanced at them, a subtle smile on his face

Seungmin yawned and broke the silence. "Well, I'm going to bed now. Night," and he left, followed by Jeongin. Hyunjin left not long later to finish his painting. Then later, Changbin and Chan left. Minho went to the kitchen, while Felix and Jisung cuddled on the sofa for a bit.

Felix started to fall asleep on Jisung, so Jisung picked him up and put him in bed, kissing his lips lightly, then leaving after saying, "I love you."

Just as Jisung was about to leave, Minho grabbed his shoulder. "Hurt him, and I swear I'll kill you," then let go and went to bed."

Jisung shivered and went back to his dorm. He went to his and Hyunjin's room, jumped into bed, and squealed into his pillow.

"Someone's happy."

Jisung looked up and glared at Hyunjin. "No shit."

Jisung spent the rest of his time awake watching Hyunjin paint. He always thought Hyunjin is hot when he's focused, and it's really calming. Soon, he fell asleep dreaming of a baby quokka being happy with a chick, while Felix dreamt of himself as a princess being attacked by a crocodile and being saved by a prince, while drooling on his pillow.

Minho looked over at the sleeping Felix, cuddling the body pillow. He was happy since Felix was happy. He was worried that when he spoke to Jisung, something would go wrong, and Felix was just starting to get better. He didn't want it to get bad again.

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