*Love actually*

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It was a couple days later and Ana found herself Brittany and Isabel walking into the gymnasium late. And when she walked in she apologized for being late but Josie just told her it was okay and that they should get started. Then PJ was pushing a girl named Annie on the ground.

"What the hell you didn't even warn me"

" We didn't get warnings in juvie"

Josie intervened by saying we could take it slower but that really didn't help because all it led to was the girls just pushing each other on the floor and an inspirational speech that got them to get it together and start fighting.
Ana never fought anyone so, you would think this is the perfect time right? She was with her mom during the school year and with her dad over the summer and breaks. Her mom wasn't ever home, so she'd get away with having scars and bruises since she could just call her dad and not FaceTime him. But you'd be mistaken.

Ana was terrified of conflict. Even if they were fighting so they could defend themselves she wasn't sure that punching her new friends in the face would help her. So she just did something she was a pro at. Hiding, deflecting, and saying maybe another time.

But then the day came. Sylvie was in the circle and Ana thought well this would be a good one to watch. And then
"Ana you haven't fought anyone have you" Brittany asked.

All eyes went to Ana and you could see the terror on her face. She took a shallow breath then spoke " I guess I haven't huh? That's unfortunate, well too bad so wh-who wants to fight Sylvie" no one spoke but everyone had smiles on their faces.

PJ came over to Ana "looks like none of us want to so I think you should take it Ana" then everyone started cheering for them to start and Ana felt herself getting sick at the thought of punching someone who used to be her best friend in middle school. It didn't feel right ,she slept over at the girl's house and even had her first kiss with her saying it was "practice for the real one."

The two girls went in a circle for ten long seconds and finally Sylvie said something that changed the way Ana felt about fighting her "I was the one who told your mom about your period in eighth grade" then Ana ran at Sylvie and pushed her onto the floor with such force that both of them ended up falling to the ground.

And she heard cheering actual cheering not pity claps but people were proud of her and she felt a bit of pride even it it was just a shove to the ground.Then she got off of Sylvie grabbed the girls hand to help her up and Sylvie spoke " I didn't actually tell her I just really needed something to happen."  Ana smiled at her then they let the next two get in the circle.While the next two girls where fighting Hazel whispered to Ana

"you did a good job" Ana looked at her in shock and whispered back "you think so"

Hazel replied in a whisper with confidence "I know so"
Once everyone was getting ready to go home Hazel came up to Ana

"hey Anastasia I was wondering if you wanted to come over and study I know you don't owe me anymore so if you say no I completely understand" she started

"Ye-" Ana was about to say yes before she was interrupted

"Actually you know what never mind um sorry for bothering you I shouldn't have asked sorry" Hazel said without realizing Ana was about to speak.

"Hazel!" Ana said loudly "yes I would love to come over. Actually, do you want to hang out at my house? I mean my mom is never home and my Nona watches tv in her room so we can do what we want without any distractions, we'd have to ride the bus there though" Ana said.

" Yeah your house would probably be better yeah" Hazel said, grateful that they had a better location than her house.

"Okay well then... let's go" and without realizing it Ana grabbed Hazel's hand and guided her out of the school and to the bus stop. Hazel realized their hands were locked and didn't mention it because she didn't want Ana to let go. So she just looked down and smiled.

They talked the whole way to Ana's house about random stuff like their  favorite teenage mutant ninja turtles and who could get out of an escape room faster. All Ana could do was give compliments to the blue eyed girl the whole ride home.

After a surprisingly fast bus ride they got to the brown eyed girl's house and Hazel knew how lucky she was but seeing the size of Ana's home in comparison to hers made her house look like an Airbnb.Sure it was smaller than her house but still big for only three people (technically two since Anas mom wasn't around much) but it didn't feel like it wasnt a home.It smelled like vanilla and cookie dough and looked like it hadn't been updated since two thousand three in the best way possible . They went upstairs and Ana started to say " sorry my room is a bit messy. If I knew you were coming over I would've cleaned it." then Ana took out her school work and went toward the door.

" We can study on my bed but I'm going to get snacks. Is there anything you want? I'm pretty sure we have soda if you're thirsty?" She said while admiring Hazel.

"Um waters fine" Hazel said while admiring Ana

"Okay then I'll be back." Ana said with a smile then left.

Once Ana left Hazel looked around the girls room. She had posters everywhere , a clean vanity with all of her pictures of her and her friends stuffed into the sides, she even had one of the club.She had a light pink bed frame with a white and light purple canopy around the whole thing, her walls are a light green yet you could barely see them from the amount of posters and pictures she has on her walls, she has wood floors with a giant carpet covering most of it, and a small walk in closet.Although the brown eyed girl said her room was messy it really wasn't. And the smell. The whole room smelled like Ana. Like a bakery with the smallest hint of rose water.

Hazel could see all the little knick knacks Ana had like pom poms on the floor, her glasses that she refuses to wear because being nearsighted doesn't matter since she doesn't drive, her books, the picture of her and her dad on her nightstand and a notepad that Hazel assumed had most of the schools drama and problems written in it since the brown eyed girl is apart of the news paper. The whole room screamed Ana in the best way possible. Hazel was taking off her shoes to sit on the bed when Ana came back into the room.

"Okay so I brought you water but I also brought Dr Pepper, chips,and some cookies. I wasn't really sure what you liked so I just grabbed random stuff. I hope this is okay." Ana said while trying not to drop anything  Hazel got up to help her bring the food onto Ana's bed and they got to work.

After  getting distracted randomly multiple times they finally finished and it was almost six o'clock .

"Oh jeez I didn't mean to keep you held up for so long I'm so sorry " Ana started to apologize

"Oh no it's okay it's not your fault really I had a great time Hazel explained to get Ana to understand that she really didn't mind. Then suddenly Ana had an idea.

" You know if you want you could sleep over I mean its already six I was just going to order a pizza I mean I know its a school night but its a Thursday and we don't have that much going on tomorrow plus we wear the same size so I'm sure so you could wear some of my clothes I know they aren't really your style but if you don't find anything I could look in my moms closet and see if she has anything for you to wear. And we won't have to wake up early to get you home to change only if your mom's okay with you staying over of course. I don't want to get you in trouble" Ana asked while avoiding Hazels gaze

"Yeah I can stay, I'll text my mom." Hazel said with a goofy looking smile on her face. 

That whole night the two girls stayed up watching movies telling stories from their childhoods, making jokes and talking about the deep stuff like how Ana thinks her dad is lonely and that's why he spends so much time trying to make her feel like she's not alone.How Hazel is worried about her mom because all her mom does is sleep with random people all day. How Ana is actually terrified to stand up to people because she hates making others feel bad. And how Hazel sometimes lets people talk to her any type of way because she'd rather have friends who mess with her than have none at all. And for the first time Ana felt like she was understood.

Once Hazel fell asleep Anasatia couldn't. She didn't want to fall asleep and have tomorrow come and take Hazel away from her. But after only thirty minutes of having the tv playing Ana's head hit the pillow and she was gone.

Double upload!

So that was chapter 3 I'm soooo excited for the rest lmk if there's any spelling mistakes I tried getting them all but I could've missed some.See ya!

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