🌟 two

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"Good morning class" the teacher greeted the students. The students immediately stood up and greeted back their teacher in unison.

"So for today, I wanted everyone to work in pair" the teacher instructed them of what they will do. The students were all listening to the teacher, well, except for one.

Anton, who was sitting at the right side of the classroom suddenly averted his gaze onto someone who was quietly sitting on the left side of the room.

Even at this time, he was still curious about Park Wonbin, he wanted to be close with him like his other friends 

"Park Wonbin and Anton Lee" the teacher called for the two.

He saw that Wonbin stood up from his seat yet he's still there staring at the other korean male, having his head crowded with thoughts about Wonbin.

Sohee, who was sitting beside him was trying to nudge the american but he was not getting any response from him.

"Mr. Anton Lee!" this time, the teacher yelled his name making him abruptly stood up from his seat.

"Yes Wonbin!" he replied as he looked so surprised when the teacher yelled his name.

The whole class started to laugh at the mistake even his seatmate who couldn't help but to snort.

"Well, I guess you think of Mr. Park at the time of my class" the teacher lowkey teased.

Anton felt his cheeks were flushed as he peeked at the guy on the left side of the room. He was still keeping his blank expression on his face which made him feel much more embarrassed of what happened.

"I'm sorry, Miss" he apologized and bowed, having his head lie low.

"Don't worry, Mr. Lee, you'll have a glimpse of Mr. Park later. Focus on the class first" the class again started to tease the two.

Anton was so ashamed of himself, thinking it might make the korean uncomfortable and distance himself more to him. That was not good.

"So, going back, I wanted you two to work for a presentation. Your topic will be about Renaissance Period. This will be presented this Friday. Got it?"

Anton smiled and nodded. Though he was worrying how they will do this presentation without Wonbin feeling uncomfortable of him.

He messed up this time.


The class are over and yet, here's Anton thinking of how he should approach Wonbin to ask about their presentation.

His classmates started to leave the room one by one. Anton took a glimpse of the other guy on the left side of the room and thankfully, he was still not leaving. 

"Anton, aren't you eating lunch with us?" Seunghan asked the young american guy who was slowly putting his things on his back.

"Oh, you can go first. I'll just have to put some notes in my locker. I'll message you" Anton replied while he was focused on arranging some of his things.

"Okay, come with us at the cafeteria"

He just nodded at Seunghan and watched him exit the place.

Now, only him and Wonbin were inside the classroom. It was awkward but he wanted to talk to him in this way since his classmates kept on teasing them together because of what happened earlier at class.

He immediately panicked when he saw that the other male was finished and was ready to walk out of the room.

"H-hey Wonbin!" he unconsciously called for the older.

Wonbin being his usual self, he turned around wearing his blank expression as he watched the american shyly walk towards his direction.

"U-uhh, i-if it is okay with y-you. I-I wanna ask about the p-presentation" Anton almost wanted to slap himself for stuttering.

Wonbin remained blank, he was actually waiting for Anton's next words.

"W-where should we do it? I.. I mean the presentation" who knows what was in Anton's mind as he said that to the point that he needed to clear his words.

"The library" Wonbin replied sparingly.

"Oh, sure! That's a good spot. I'll see you at 10 am?" Anton earned a nod as an answer from the korean and made his way out of the classroom.

It was the very first time he heard the korean's voice as he talks to him. He would often stay silent even though he was in front of the others.

Anton felt like it was an honor to talk to him. He was really hoping for the best, hoping that this presentation will close the gap between their friendship.

Besides, they are in the same circle of friends so might as well use this chance to talk to him.

to be continued..

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