Wrong and Right

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The sky was filled with grey clouds, no sun to be seen. Just a normal day in the small town of Jackington. I sat up on my bed, scratching the back of my head from another night of thinking. Thinking was like sleep for me. It was the only thing I could do ever since I was forced to be one of the undead.

Getting out of bed completely, I walked to my closet and threw random clothes on the bed. Same routine as always, unless I decided to wear the same clothes again. It wouldn't matter anyways, vampires never smell bad. Always the same scent, vanilla and death. But more vanilla than anything.

I looked to my bed to see what I had picked out. A plain black sleeveless top and red ripped skinny jeans. Quickly I had them on in split second. I then went to my bathroom to brush and tease my jet black hair. The rest after that was fast and easy. A light coat of black eyeliner, a few necklaces, bracelets, and rings. I took one last glance in the mirror to fix my hair again.

"Well aren't you a handsome devil?" I smirked at my own words and kissed the mirror. I grabbed my leather jacket from my bed and dashed down stairs, where I was nearly blinded by the sight my eyes met.

"Ah! It burns!" I covered my face with my jacket to block the sight of my brother and best friend sucking faces. I giggled when I heard their annoyed huffs. "Sorry did I interrupt your porn?" I smiled innocently, uncovering my face. Jay rolled his eyes and flipped me off. "Oh yay, I'm number one" I rolled my eyes back at him. Skyler laughed and slapped Jay's chest.

"Going somewhere Ryan?" she asked as she moved off of Jay's lap.

"As a matter of fact I am" I grinned and put on my jacket. Jay narrowed his eyes at me. I shot him a puppy dog face. He never does trust me going out by myself because I have a tendency of always getting into trouble.

He sighed and got up, placing a hand on my shoulder.

"If I hear anything with your name and the word trouble you will be literally grounded in the ground, do I make myself clear?" He whispered in my ear so that Skyler wouldn't hear. I rolled my eyes, shrugging his hand off of my shoulder.

"Don't worry brother, I'll be a good little boy.." I smiled and walked out the door. Oh please I couldn't be good even if my life depended on it he should know that by now.


I walked around town looking for anything interesting to be seen. Of course there was nothing that I havn't seen. So I continued on walking, when the smell of warm blood hit my nose. The scent grew stronger as I followed it into an alley. My mouth filled with venom as I came closer to the end of the trail. I peeked my head around the corner of a building and saw a drunken man, rambling to the wind about his troubles. Poor fool...might as well put him out of his misery. With that thought, I had the man pinned against the wall, he didn't even have time to scream, my hand had covered his mouth before he could. His eyes grew wide in fear as he let out pleading mumbles again my hand.

"Shh" I whispered into his ear "don't cry little lamb, I'm only doing you a favor" the man began to shake under my grip. I ran my teeth against the vain on his neck, making him whimper and shake even more. I almost laughed at how ridiculous he looked, but I thought to myself. I shouldn't play with my food. My fangs finally injected into his flesh, causing the man to scream in pain. I kept my hand on his mouth, keeping the screams quiet as I drank him dry. After a few short minutes all life had left his body. The man dropped to the floor with a thud. I looked at him and shook my head. I couldn't just leave him like that, so I leaned down and licked my tongue over the two hole on his neck, causing them to close.

Picking up the dead man, I threw him into a corner near a dumpster in the alley. I then closed his eyes and left licking my lips clean from left over blood. Alcohol filled blood is the best blood


As soon as I stepped into the house my brother had pushed me against the wall. His hands were tightly holding onto the edges of my jacket as he pinned my shoulders down. I glared at him as I struggled to break free.

"What the hell Jay?!" I growled, kicking my legs.

"Nothing little brother just having some fun with you that's all" He smirked and let go of me.

"Jay don't be so rough on him" Skyler said as she appeared by my side "Leave my baby alone" she pouted, wrapping her arms around my shoulders in a protective hug. I giggled and stuck my tongue out at Jay.

"Yeah leave her baby alone" I looked at him with a sweet innocent face. He shook his head and chuckled, ruffling my hair. I hissed and snapped at his hand. He grinned and turned away, heading to his room. I fixed my hair and headed to my own room as well.

Suddenly he stopped at the stairs and looked to me with now a serious face. I raised an eyebrow and stared back at him.

"Take a picture it'll last longer" I shoved him out of the way and walked up the stairs.

"I was just about to say that we have new neighbors moving in.." He spoke from behind me. I ignored him and continued walking to my room. Why would I care about new people? As long as they leave me be then everything is peachy.

I sighed sitting back with earbuds in my ears as I looked out the window. The house next door had a moving truck in the drive way. A boy around 17 was helping, what seemed to be his father, unload the truck. I sat up and looked more carefully at the young man. Dark hair was straighten to perfection, his eyes were a gorgeous blue, and his lips were perfectly shaped. His style was like mine almost but not to much of a rocker look. I found myself day dreaming about this angel boy, when all of the sudden I heard a door bell being rung. I groaned and got up, blurring down stairs to the door.

There he stood, only an inch taller than me. His sweet scent burned my throat and nose. He was more perfect up close than far away. My angel boy.

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