CHAPTER 1: Blossoms

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The school year was reaching its peak in the beginning of September. It was a rather dreadful Monday morning; The weather cold and wet. The insides of homes were warm and dry, creating a small Utopia from the cold in which most people didn't want to leave. For people like Tom; people in high school, it also meant that Prom would begin reaching its head around the corner to begin advertising tickets to the students inside the building.

Toms Pov

I found myself forced awake by the sound of an alarm clock. It was practically blaring into my ears, and so I tried to punch down on the snooze button. I'm too comfortable. I don't want to get up, my bed is warm and outside I'm gonna be freezing my ass off. However, as I force my eyes shut, I realize that my hand keeps missing the alarm clock. I don't know how I keep missing it. It's literally on the nightstand, that's where I always put it.

I open my eyes to find that no.. I did not leave my alarm clock on the nightstand. I had this moment in time yesterday where I wanted to clean my room for once, and that involved cleaning my nightstand. Instead, my Alarm clock was all the way over on my desk, meaning I either had to get up or stay laying there and suffer through the alarm. Sadly, both choices meant I wouldn't be getting anymore sleep, so I gave in. I got up out of bed and stumbled over to my desk, slammed the alarm clock down to shut it up, and started to get dressed. Regardless, if I didn't get my ass up out of bed to get to school, I'd just end up getting myself in trouble for it. If I'm being completely honest with myself, I'd rather not get myself into any trouble with my stepdad around.

Mom constantly works hard to provide for me, and even my stepdad. But my stepdad won't work, and instead he lazes around being an abusive asshole to me and my mother all the time. I don't understand what she sees in him. I slip on a clean shirt. I don't understand why she can't seem to leave him. He spends all her spare money on his alcohol, and then he gets so annoying and aggressive about it like some pathetic loser. I hate him. I slip on the same pants from Friday. I wish I could stand up to him, but I can't even pretend that he doesn't scare me. I grab some socks. They're mismatched, but I don't have the time to keep looking. The bus will arrive soon and I need to be by the bus stop so it won't leave me. When he gets drunk, my Stepdad. He just gets so frightening. He gets violent, and aggressive. I can't even bring my friends over because I'm scared he might get violent towards them too. I don't want them worrying too much about my home life. 

I grab a hairbrush and begin to brush out my hair with it. I walk by the bathroom and stand at the top of the stairs. I listen out to see if my stepdad is still asleep on the couch or not. If he isn't, It means I can't have breakfast today. I don't want to end up in his way on a Monday morning, it will just screw up the entire day for me. A couple minutes of listening in tells me that my stepdad is in fact awake, and so I set the brush down on the railing and bolt down the stairs as quickly and quietly as I can. I grab my bookbag and my shoes and head out the door without putting them on. I can always tie them on later, when I don't have to worry about someone getting upset with me. I walk about 2 blocks before I feel safe enough to put my shoes on, tying them up as nicely as I can. I shiver a bit from the cold. I didn't even realize that I didn't put a jacket on, but it's too late. If I head back now I'll end up late to school, I can't be late. I have a test first period, and parents at home who will be absolutely pissed if I miss the bus.

I worry about my appearance. I wear a jacket all the time, what if people judge how I look without it? It's the only cover I have to keep myself from being judged even more than I already am. I don't want the self harm jokes to get any worse than they already are. Why did I have to forget my goddamn jacket? I'm already almost there at the bus stop, I really can't turn around. I'm completely screwed, nobody is going to think I'm remotely acceptable at school ever again. my social life is over before it even began. That's so fucking sad. I have to stand here, freezing while I wait for the bus ride that is going to absolutely destroy the rest of the schoolyear for me, and there's nothing I can do about it. 

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 17, 2023 ⏰

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