E8: Operation: Get MAC1-12 (1)

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CJ: ok guys this the 11th clonevpn meeting!!!

Everyone: YEAHHHHHH!!!!!!!!

CJ: this is... OPERATION: GET MAC1-12!!!!!!!!

Enemy: is that we try to do everyday-


Enemy: ok...

CJ: so we are we gonna kill them all!!!!!!

Everyone: COOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

CJ: ok lets start!


Everyone: yes sir!!!

Preston: hmmm should we get mac5?

Enemy: sure!

at the mac5 base...

BH14: Oh no...

Mogswamp: what is it BH14?

BH14: its... doomsday

mogswamp: oh no...

stampy: were doomed...

At the MAC4 base...

royalpear: okay so what should we do?

jaxton: oh!!! fight!

riggy: oh thats sounds good!!!

They go the CloneVPN facility

20 minutes later they have killed over 83 CloneVPN employees

Jaxton: I think we're done.

Riggy: yeah think so...

And they leave they plan on suing CloneVPN

At court...

Lawbymike: so in jaxtons defense why did literally kill half the population?

CJ: well we're saving the minds of little kids

Jaxton: You mean Murdering Them?

Clone Jaxton: yes I mean no!

LawbyMike: suspicious...

CJ use's telekinesis to throw Mike out of the window

Jaxton: Jesus man...

Royalpear: why did do that?

CJ: idk I just felt like it

Lawbymike enter back into the court damaged

Lawbymike: I declare CloneVPN guilty!

CJ: oh no you don't don't!

CJ: Enemy! Jeremy! And Preston! Arrest him! FOREVER

Them: yes boss!

And thus lawbymike get thrown in clonevpns jail...

Also concluding Season 1 Of TWOCJ...

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