Chapter 22: Rage

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"Huh? What's she doing..?"

Daki stared at you from the rooftop and she wondered why you had suddenly stopped attacking.

You held your head as memories came rushing back to you all at once.

Tanjiro could see this as well that something wasn't right. Something has changed and your demeanor changed.

"Hiro.." you finally said no louder than a whimper.

He blinked.

Hiro? Is she talking about another human or a demon? It doesn't matter, I have to finish her off while I've got an opening.

Again Tanjiro rushed towards you  prepared to strike. Despite him running right towards you, you couldn't see him.

Your mind flashed images of memories that you had long since forgotten. Happy memories and tragic ones.

"Dammit, pay attention!! You're going to get beheaded at this rate!!" Daki leaped forward, sending herself toward the two of you.

The opening thread was there again but why did you let your guard down so easily?

He was closing the gap between you quickly.

I've got her..I'm going to behead her!

"As if I'd let you behead her!"

Daki slammed against the ground, her belts lunging towards Tanjiro while she stood in front of you. She grinned as they collided with his sword, forcing him back time and time again.

He hissed as the thread snapped again.

The belt demon's attacking again..So it really won't be easy to behead one without the other one getting in the way..

"Hey..what do you think you're doing..Are you really going to let some ugly brat get the better of you? Don't get sentimental and pity these humans..don't forget that they're the awful ones..All the atrocious things they've done to us and to each other.."

Daki glanced over her shoulder at you.

"Don't forget that it was a human who killed Hiro in the first place..and he was a demon hunter at that.."

Her words resonated with you,reminding you of the truth you didn't want to face.

You could still see his corpse laying still on the floor, his own head severed from his body.

That's right, it wasn't a demon who did such a heinous thing. It was a human, one that was supposed to protect other humans in fact.

Slowly, your hand dropped from your head and the loose grip you had on your blade tightened once more. You clenched it so hard that it dug deep into the flesh of your palm, coating itself with your blood.

"You're right.." you growled, glaring at Tanjiro who froze under your hateful stare.

He could feel it radiating from you, hate and anger.

He gulped and tried to maintain his grip not wanting to show even the smallest sign of fear.

"You're all so terrible..but you demon hunters are the worst.."

You stepped past Daki,moving to stand in front of her now.

"You're all pathetic! How could we trample over the lives of the innocent? What hypocritical bullshit!!"

To any regular person, it would have looked like you teleported with how fast you moved, rushing towards Tanjiro and releasing a flurry of swipes at him.

Each time you swung, his blade caught yours but you were relentless, pushing back against him and cutting his arms, legs and even his cheek.

"How dare you sit there and spew all that high and mighty nonsense when you demon hunters will cut down any body that gets in your way, not just demons.."

You were seething at this point and  unleashed all your pent up rage at Tanjiro who looked back at you confused.

"What are you talking about?! It's the Corps' job to protect innocent civilians! We'd never harm one!" He shouted back, pushing you back.

"You're so blinded by the bullshit they're feeding you that you can't face reality! Wake up kid! You're not the heroes you want to believe you are!"

You spun your ring blade around you once more, building up the moment of it and slinging it at him.

He managed to sidestep it, evading the initial blow but still managed to get cut as it came hurling back to you.

By now Tanjiro was reaching his limit. It didn't matter hot much resolve he had if his body couldn't keep up. He took a step but stumbled, falling to his knees. His breathing was becoming erratic and his vision was starting to grow dark.

No..not yet .I have to defeat her..I can' out..!

Within seconds Tanjiro was collapsing to the ground, unable to push himself any further. His fingers twitched around the hilt of his sword as he laid against the cold ground.

The last thing he saw was your feet coming towards him before he fully lost consciousness.

"Hmph! Pathetic humans..They never cease to amazing me with how utterly weak and pathetic they are.." Daki shrugged her arms as she spoke, belittling Tanjiro's stamina before her lips curled to a grin. "Though I must say..I really thought he almost had you there for a second. Luckily you had me here to protect you."

You lowered your blade, slamming it down against the ground near Tanjiro's head as you loomed over him. He was out cold, completely vulnerable.

It would have been easy to kill him right then and there. A swift blow to his neck would have ended his life quickly yet you'd lost interest.

You turned on your heel,heading back towards Daki who narrowed her eyes at you.

"What are you doing? He's still alive you know. Why don't you kill him already?" She asked.

"If he's such a threat to you then you kill him. I'm not wasting anymore of my time on him when there's a Hashira to be dealt with.." you stated flatly.

" was right. You really are sentimental! Fine then.. I'll be more than happy to finish off this ugly brat! I'll show you how to truly decapitate your enemies!"

She laughed as her belts flew up, taking aim at the poor unconscious boy. However, before her strike came, another did, shocking both of you.

Your eyes widen drastically as Daki's body was suddenly sent flying from such a hard force that it surely crushed her head.

You stared in the direction she was sent hurdling towards, completely taken off guard by the sudden assault. You were not spared either as you too were kicked so hard that you were sent colliding into a nearby building.

Though you could regenerate quickly, the force still managed to break several bones in your body and fracture your skull.

This time you growled, pushing yourself back up to your feet while the sounds of your broken bones snapping back into place echoed in your ears.

You emerged from the rubble, glaring as every vein in your body bulged.

"I brat joins the fight..that's fine, I'm game. I'll slice you into pieces!"


Sorry I gotta end it here, I'm so tired but two chapters in one day (-w-;) hope y'all liked them, also keep a lookout for a half chapter that I'll upload in between them, it'll be an optional chapter but will go deeper into Hiro's story if you're interested.


Man..fight scenes are hard! What'd y'all think about your deadly cool Ringblade?!

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