Chapter 1

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Optimus was doing a portal around the base when a energy signal came online. Optimus transformed to check it out because he wasn't to far away and it was in the woods so he wouldn't be able to drive there. As he walked he started to think what it was, he was mainly thinking it was an energon mine they hadn't found. But if they hadn't had this large of a spike till now it would be doubtful that's what it was.

As he got closer he went farther into the woods the thicker the branches where and the harder it was for him to walk around because of his larger frame. But he did manage to get threw and see what this large energy spike was. He became very confused when he saw a statice pod, he opened it slowly not knowing if it was friend or foe.

Once the pod was open though he couldn't stop himself for letting out a gasp as the door feel to the ground. He started to tear up a bit and quietly grabbed the bit that was in the pod. I was a sparkling that was around 4 to 5 years old. What made him cry a bit was this was the sparkling he lost when the war started. (The sparkling looks almost exactly like the cover just a little more bulky, he's a little shorter then Optimus knee) "Oh my primes it's really you" The young sparkling started to come out of statice as Optimus leaned against a tree and sat down.

"Volt it's hard to believe your still here" Volt made a grabbing motion for Optimus servo(hand) which he gladly let Volt hold. There sweat moment didn't last long when the sound of pedesteps made there way to them. "Scrap Someone else must have found your signal" Optimus got up from the tree and turned his servo into a blaster making sure to keep Volt safe and hidden in his arms. Step step step step the pedesteps got so close that they seemed to be right in front of him.

Volt had been quite this whole time but right as the bit got close to them he started to cry a bit, giving there somewhat of a hiding spot away. Optimus started to slowly rock Volt back and forth in one arm when the other was pointed out in front of him. His whole frame relaxed as he was it was just Arcee. "What are you doing out here?" She jumped not seeing the Optimus was out here. "Oh hey Optimus, I saw that there was an energy spike here so the thought I would check it out. But seems to me you beat me" Optimus nodded a small smiled appearing on his face realizing that he had been so worked up about protecting his newly found son.

Arcee seemed to notice this because she asked. "Who was in the pod anyway? A con?" She said pointing to the pod now realizing it wasn't an energon spike. Optimus shakes his helm shifting his arms a bit to reveal the sparkling he was holding. Arcee gasped in amazement and awe, and moved closer to look at the sparkling more. "Wow there hasn't been a sparkling in ages, he even has two different optic colors" Arcee made a small grabbing motion asking to hold the small bot. When Optimus tried to hand him over to her he started to cry and held onto Optimus larger frame.

"Awww looks like he all ready likes you" Arcee said with a smile as she backed away a bit to give them more room. "We should head back to base before the cons get his signal to" Optimus said shifting his arms a bit so the sparkling wouldn't get hit by any of the tree branches. "You know Optimus that sparkling looks quite a lot like you" Arcee said as she ducked under a branch. Optimus spark skipped a beat as he heard this. "Oh really, I didn't notice" He tried to get her to drop the comment by walked ahead of her more.

Optimus called Ratchet on his coms "Ratchet we need a ground bridge" A few seconds after saying this one opened in front of them. Arcee walked threw first with out a word. Optimus followed behind her with Volt in his arms saying random sparkling gibberish, pretty much talking to himself.
Optimus smiled as he heard this, its hard for him to believe that Volt is still alive. His smile disappeared as he walked into base, he had to keep his tough act up and make them all think that it was just a random sparkling he found.

Everyone was all ready waiting for them to get back, Optimus gave a quick greeting and walked over to Ratchet. "We found a sparkling in a stasis pod, could you check him over?" Ratchet nodded so Optimus shifted his arms so everyone could see Volt as he gave him to Ratchet. Bee got a bit excited now that he wasn't the youngest in the base anymore. "He's so cute" Bee beeped moving closer to look at the small sparkling better. Ratchet just ended up making him leave so he could probably check over the sparkling with out distractions.

"You know he looks quite a lot like you Optimus" Bulkhead said turning his large frame to look at him. Optimus nodded his spark skipping a beat again. "So I've been told" Optimus looked over to Volt one last time before making his way to his berthroom. He didn't really enjoys everyone's optics looking at him seeing the similarities between him and Volt, this is something he didn't need coming into the light right now. He walked over to his berth and quietly went into recharge.

Ratchet was checking the sparkling over to make sure that he was ok. All sparkling seemed very active, always saying gibberish and trying to grab at things on his desk. "Bee he's all good take him before he brakes something" Bee nodded happily and grabbed the sparkling off he table and bringing him over to a corner out of everyone's way. Bumble Bee played with the little sparkling for almost an hour before the sound of loud pedesteps could be heard coming down the hall way. It was Optimus and everyone could immediately tell that he seemed a lot brighter and more happy. "Why do you seem so happy?" Miko asked knowing Optimus didn't act like this very often.

He shrugged and glanced at her trying his best to hide how happy he was. "I just got a good recharge, that's all" Miko and the others seemed to buy his little lie, the only bot who was skeptical was Ratchet. Optimus walked over to Ratchet and they started to talk about where they should start to look or energon next. The little sparkling saw Optimus red and blue frame and got quite excited, he made his way over to Optimus grabbing onto his pede and giggling. Optimus looked down at the sparkling and gave a small smile before he bent down and picked him up. Volt giggled snuggling into Optimus large frame and drifting off into recharge. "Wow you really have away with the sparkling" Raf said looking the the small black and red mech in Optimus arms. He gave a small nod to him before continuing to look for anymore energon spikes.

Soon the elevator gave a small ding telling them that Agent Fowler was here. And as always he had to make an entrance. "Prime you and your bots need to keep under cover better, I've got quite a few people saying they saw a large red bot walking around the woods" Optimus heaved a sign as Fowler was talking, all the energy he had before was now gone. "Agent Fowler I'm deeply sorry for causing a seen, we'll make sure to be more careful" Fowler nodded glancing at all the bots, his gaze landed on the little mech in Optimus arms. "Looks to me you'll all have your work cut out for you with that little thing" and with that he left again.

Optimus heard the bots change into there alt modes getting ready to take the kids back to there homes. He watched them drive away letting out a small sigh. "Optimus I know that your hiding something about that sparkling, there's no way that he looks this much like you and this attached to you with out a reason" Ratchet said bringing Optimus out of his train of thought.

Optimus didn't say anything or turn to look at Ratchet, he just looked at the monitor in front of him. "I know you heard me" Optimus signed tapping his pede nervously. "Well you are correct" He hesitated not knowing if he should tell Ratchet. "This is Volt he..... he's my son I lost him as soon as this war started I thought he went one with the all spark that's why I seemed so happy earlier" Ratchet nodded as he quietly listened to Optimus tell him all this.

"Optimus you know it's going to get harder and harder to hide that Volt is your son, and if the cons get this info and take him it's going to be a scrap show" Optimus nodded knowing what Ratchet was saying is true, but there was a detail he left out that might make things turn out differently. But he didn't want to think about that right now. "If the others come back I'll be in my berthroom" Ratchet sighed but went back to his work on the computers.

He layed Volt down on his berth with a grin finally happy that his sparkling was back. Optimus soon layed down next to Volt wrapping his arms protectively around him, not wanting to lose him again. Then slowly drifted into recharge as well.

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