Prologue: Pied Piper

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•The small town atmosphere was nothing out of the ordinary, until one fateful night when a certain underground band emerges, Y/N has never felt a sudden wave of ecstatic for the first time in her life. Among the band members, there was a particular individual who caught her eye and had a profound impact on her. This small moment soon caused a ripple effect, like a whirlwind that left her breathless.


Les - Childish Gambino
Rose - Anna Tsuchiya
Never Be Like You - Flume, Kai
Million Dollar Man - Lana Del Rey
The Party & After Party - The Weeknd
Cherry Waves - Deftones
Do I Wanna Know? - Arctic Monkeys
Is There Someone Else? - The Weeknd


> slow burn
> toxicity
> depression
> substances
> fluff (rarely)
> nsfw (bdsm?)
> angst


i. prologue
(all parts)

0: Pied Piper
a person who is able to lure others through the use of their abilities, often through the use of music. It can also be used more broadly to refer to someone who leads others astray or manipulates them for their own gain.


You stood still as you watch the lewd scene in front of you.

As your body was frozen, you ponder how you even got yourself into this position-

You standing in a corner and the artist that you admired so much was pinning a random girl whilst he whispers explicit words into her as he fingers her down.


3 Years Ago

"I can't believe we're late!"

Miwa exclaims as she drags you down to the flight of stairs into a rather dark building.

As you enter the building, the sounds of the speakers rage through your auditory nerves as your eyes adapt through the lightly lit room.

"We're only late cuz you took so long" you rolled your eyes at Miwa, who gave you a snarl back.

"So one of the band members can notice me!" You both stood near the entrance where you two had just come out off.

Miwa dragged you into a music venue, where the event was taking place below a building. It was a rather small yet vast space with a stage at the center.

There were multiple bands playing tonight, Miwa had forced you to accompany her so she can see her favorite underground band playing.

You weren't really into these type of music, you are mostly attracted to melancholy genres. Your hobbies consisted of art, mostly drawing in particular, and you would occasionally play actual instruments.

After multiple pleadings, you decided to go since Miwa had hyped up the band she admires and told you that the band members are the hottest people.

You're only convinced that she takes interest in their looks instead of their musical abilities, even though she denies it.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Apr 30 ⏰

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