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A/N: Kung galing ka sa kabila at nabitin ka, heto na po yung update. Charizzz. Need ko muna bumwelo para sa Chapter 15 sa kabila  , , , xoxo

This is an early Christmas present to those who are looking forward to this Pordee AU. 

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Guns blazing and soldiers running for cover from the enemy fire.

Fifteen outstanding members of the Philippine Army have been selected for a special mission in the southern section of Mindanao.

There have been reports of two high-ranking officials of the Armed Forces of the Philippines showing up in an isolated village, dealing in illegal weapons and illegal drugs trade.

A scout had initially surveyed the village and confirmed the report. They have successfully planned out on how to engage their enemy.

What they know about these officials' lackeys are: they are locals who produce 'Paltik' guns  which are considered low-quality home-made guns crafted locally and illegally.

There is an Executive Order preventing 'Paltik' from being licensed. However this doesn't stop the production of these guns.

So far, this hideout is the biggest Paltik warehouse ever sighted. Since it is reported. It being supported by corrupt military officials, it is a no-brainer why they got this big.

Based on intel, this group caters to the U.S black market. Literally anyone who wants to own a gun, may it be for protection or for intimidation and murder, prefers this kind because it is difficult to trace it back to the owner due to its unknown manufacturer and it has no legal papers. There's a school incident in the U.S where the gunman used Paltik to murder his schoolmates. (Note: This info is purely fictional)

A prior shipment was successfully intercepted a few months ago. Their team was made to officially stop the goons behind this scheme.

Even if it meant facing their superiors. Although it is a given fact that these two high-ranking officials are considered enemies-of the-state already. They just have to find out who they are by battling against their lackeys and finally capturing them.

"Captain, the villagers are safe and ready for transport." Lieutenant Manuel, the Captain's right hand reports to her.

"Good, now we can go all out."

The warehouse is the only building not raided in the village. Some of the lackeys are dead while the others ran and barricaded themselves inside. There's a high possibility that the two officials are also trapped inside.

"Bravo, hold your position and keep firing their front. Team Alpha with me, it's time to flank them. Lieutenant, wait for my signal to attack their rear."

"Yes Ma'am!"

Alpha is led by their Captain while Bravo is with the Lieutenant.

The captain counted down using her hands; five, four, three, two,.. 

"Alpha, move!"

Their movements were in sync just like in every drills they did back in camp. Just as she predicted, their sides are too vulnerable. None of them has even detected their new position. 


Her men aimed their guns at their targets who are preoccupied with firing back at the Bravo Team. 


She found the Lieutenant and signaled him to move his team to the rear while her team moves forward firing at will, not letting the enemy escape their line of fire. 

Just like clockwork both the Alpha and Bravo teams have penetrated the warehouse, completely surrounding the building and blocking off the exits. 

Somewhere in the corner, a familiar old man was hiding amongst the trapped hostiles. Colonel Gregorio Patricio has his hands raised in fear of getting shot by his fellow soldiers.

"Primary target on sight." The captain pointed at the Colonel and ordered her men to detain him. 

They gathered the remaining hostiles and seized their weapons and then made them line up with their hands raised. The other primary target is yet to be identified. They tried asking the Colonel and even threatened him but he did not speak a word. 

"Captain, we found the other one." One of his men informed her.

"Bring him here." 

"Yes Ma'am."

Two of his men came back dragging a body towards her. 

She took a good look at the corpse and realized who it was, Major Alexander Baldo who was previously suspected of being a member of a drug ring. 

"Mission accomplished. Radio the extraction team, it's time to go home to your families."

She was proud at what they have accomplished, the men with her are all married except her and the Lieutenant. 

After thirty minutes, the extraction team finally arrived. The medical team commended her for leading her team with only minor injuries. 

The hostiles were loaded up to the truck and will be brought to jail while the Colonel will fly with them in the chopper. His men were already inside and was about to follow suit when she saw a child peeping from the side of the warehouse.

"Hold up, there's a kid over there." 

Fearing the child is injured, she ran to check on her well-being. Fortunately she was unharmed and let the medical doctor assess her. 

She was about to head back when she heard footsteps behind her and turned around instinctively.

"Goodbye, dear Captain Dee."


The team was startled and became alert at their surroundings. They all heard the same thing, a gunshot. 

The Lieutenant was quick enough to notice the Captain is still not with them and took two men with him to check his last known position. 

His eyes widened in shock seeing the captain on the ground.

"Man down!"


Her uniform was stained with blood. 

"Medic! The captain's losing a lot of blood." She shouted as she applied pleasure on the captain's chest wound. 

Her men checked the perimeter for the gunman but couldn't find anyone. 

The Colonel smirked, "Mission failed."

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