Veiled Secrets

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Yuriko's steps echoed in the hallway, the unsettling encounter with Bethany haunting her thoughts. She questioned whether to share what she had seen, fearing disbelief or ridicule from her peers. As she walked, uncertainty gripped her, the weight of the secret she carried pulling at her conscience.

The crowded hallway became a maze of faces, each occupied with their own concerns. Yuriko focused on reaching her next class, attempting to bury the unease that festered within her.

And then, down the hall, she saw Bethany. A shiver ran down Yuriko's spine, uncertainty gnawing at her resolve. Their eyes met, and Yuriko hesitated, contemplating whether to change her course or face the enigmatic figure approaching her.

Bethany, breaking the silence, spoke unexpectedly. "Hey," she said, her tone softer than Yuriko had ever heard before. Surprised, Yuriko paused.

Bethany walked towards her, closing the distance. Yuriko instinctively started backing away, unsure of Bethany's intentions. But, to her surprise, Bethany stopped and offered an apology.

"I'm sorry for how I acted earlier. I'm not used to kindness," Bethany admitted, her gaze sincere.

Yuriko, taken aback by the unexpected apology, hesitantly responded, "It's... alright. Just caught me off guard."

Bethany's demeanor seemed to shift, a vulnerable side peeking through the tough exterior. Yuriko seized the moment to address the lingering questions.

"What was happening with your face during lunch?" Yuriko inquired, her voice hushed with curiosity.

Bethany's expression faltered for a moment, as if caught off guard. "What do you mean?" she replied, feigning ignorance.

Yuriko leaned closer, whispering, "Your eyes were glowing, and your teeth turned into fangs."

Bethany's eyes widened in realization. "Ah, that. I forgot my anger can do that." Without explanation, she took Yuriko by the arm, leading her to the nearest bathroom.

Yuriko, anxiety mounting, couldn't stop shaking. Bethany's sudden gesture heightened her fear. Once inside, Bethany reassured her, "Calm down. I just need to talk to you privately."

Yuriko, uncertain but compelled by the reassurance, nodded hesitantly. Bethany continued, "What you saw was just something I like to wear eye contacts that glow and fake fangs. I'm a big fan of Halloween and just enjoy wearing costume parts all year round."

As the lie unfolded, Yuriko's tension eased, and she began to calm down. "Oh, I see. Sorry, I didn't mean to pry."

Bethany chuckled. "No worries. It's just my weird quirk. And about not eating in the cafeteria, I have a special diet. A lot of food doesn't agree with me, but don't worry I have plenty of food at home. All I need is my drink."

Yuriko, still unsure but unwilling to press further, accepted the explanation. "Alright, sorry for bothering you."

Bethany grinned. "No problem. It's your job to care for the students, even the troublesome ones."

Yuriko sighed in defeat. "I guess so." She left the bathroom, leaving Bethany leaning against a nearby wall, her gaze following Yuriko as she walked away.

As Yuriko quickened her pace towards her next class, a lingering sickness settled in her stomach. The doubt remained, a nagging suspicion that Bethany might be hiding more than she was willing to admit.

The mystery of Bethany's true nature lingered, casting a shadow over Yuriko's once-assured steps. Uncertainty had woven itself into the fabric of her day, leaving her to grapple with the unsettling secrets veiled behind Bethany's enigmatic facade.

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