𝟔. 𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐅𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭

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I was getting late for the meeting and he is not here till now

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I was getting late for the meeting and he is not here till now. Usually nikhil drives my car as i don't trust people with my cars , i called nikhil he picked up after a ring.

"Sir i am here" - he waved from main entrance.
"Good Morning, Sir" - he smiled.
"Hmm, Don't smile unnecessarily"- i reprimand him for his unnecessary smile..
"Let's go" -i commanded , taking the driver's seat.
"Sir?" - he raised an eyebrow in surprise and questioned.
"Why ?? can't i drive, common sit don't waste my time" - i snapped and started the car as nikhil sat on passenger seat.

As i was passing through Berliner Fernsehturm i saw a girl playing with kids actually an indian girl in ethnic wear, it is very rare in Germany to see girl wearing ethnic and My car's speed involuntarily slowed down as I gazed upon her. she was wearing red suit , her honey brown eyes were glistening and the dimples on her rosy cheeks were so tempting. she is looking so innocent that the feeling of keeping her in my arms and save from world urged me so hard.

Suddenly, her laughter turned into a scream. The spell was broken. I lost control of the steering wheel, and the car lurched forward. Nikhil shouted - "Sir, careful!"

In a desperate attempt to avoid a collision with a cat, I swerved and slammed on the brakes. The car careened into a tree, sustaining significant damage to its front end.

i stumbled out of the car and rushed to check on her and saw her teary eyes, her face was flushed with anger which angered me because tears only shows weakness and weak people are always humiliated. I demanded, my voice laced with irritation - "Can't you keep your pets to yourself , if you can't take care of her then why the hell are you raising her?" and she glared at me, her gaze pierced me like a dagger.

"What the hell you think of yourself Mr. because of you bella was about to die and you are lecturing me , bastard" - she retorted angrily and the children laughed .
Believe me her voice is sweeter than her looks. but wait a minute did she called me bastard.
"Excuse me whom you have called bastard , Miss" - i growled.
"You Mr. i am talking about you, can't you hear properly"- she pointed her finger at me.

"Behave miss i am talking to you nicely it doesn't mean i can't do something" - my voice boomed and as i stepped further, she stepped back "Because of you my car get damaged, so you will pay for it" - i added pointing an accusatory finger at her.
A mocking laugh escaped her lips and she stated pointing at her - "i will pay for it , not even in my worst dream , Mr." ,her expression hardened, and she muttered something under her breath.

"What did you just said"- i demanded, my anger flaring. 

"She said you are kaddu" - a young boy young boy piped up, his words followed by a chorus of giggles. I glared at her, but she merely hushed the children with a raised finger, her laughter echoing through the air. My temper flared, and I seized her wrist, pulling her close. She stumbled forward, her body colliding with my chest. My heartbeat quickened involuntarily and i growled -"DON'T YOU DARE TO CALL ME NAMES and you will have to pay for the mess that you have created, you better understand."
As  she was so close to me i noticed she has mole just above her collarbone and that mole is  so damn tempting , My thoughts were spiraling in a dangerous direction. Anshumaan, pull yourself together!

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