༻¨*:·.It's not what you think .·:*¨༺

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After today's concert, the band went to a nearby bar to have some fun and relax before returning to Slovenia. They stay in Germany for another 2 days, which gives them a full 48 hours resting and having fun in the club, their drummer Jure wasn't having a good time, in fact he wasn't having any fun at all. He sat in the farthest corner of the bar, watching people having fun. It wasn't that he was super tired, but it hurt him that instead of spending time with him, his boyfriend preferred to dance etc... with some brunette. Jan didn't even look at him, which hurt the blonde a lot, because usually the guitarist didn't take his eyes off him, much less let Jure be sad for a long period of time. The drummer, not knowing what to do with himself, drank drink after drink, not caring if someone poured something into his drink, it is a very stupid move, but the blue-eyed man doesn't pay attention to it. Finally, when he was about to talk to them, Jure saw a sight he never wanted to see. It was the sight of Jan kissing that fucking brunette, Jure felt a huge pang in his heart and tears welling up. He had already ordered his 5th alcoholic drink and was staring blankly into space. He didn't even notice when a man poured a crushed rape pill into his drink, Jure took a good sip of his drink and wiped his anger with the sleeve of his sweatshirt. Maček he couldn't stand the sight of Jan betraying him, he drank some alcohol and left the club, heading towards the riverbed. He sat down under a tree and as soon as he did so he felt terrible dizziness and Severe nausea. The boy doesn't know what's happening to him, he's never felt sick after drinking alcohol. He felt his eyes quickly change their focus and tremble. Jure simply doesn't know what's going on, it seems to him as if it was all some kind of imagination. The last thing he heard was a hoarse male voice.
He regained consciousness only in the ambulance, the white light blinded the blonde, not allowing him to fully open his eyes. He heard everything as if through a fog, All he heard was the paramedics monitoring his health and giving him some injections. Unfortunately, before he could say anything, he lost consciousness again and, worst of all, his heart it stopped beating.


The rescuers did everything in their power to save the young artist's life. Fortunately, they managed to do it, The Slovenian lies unconscious in the post-treatment room. Only after 3 more long hours did the blonde regain consciousness. He didn't remember anything that happened last night, his mind was completely blank. He didn't have to wait long until a doctor came into his room and told him briefly in English what had happened. Jure learned that if it weren't for a strange couple he wouldn't have called for help, He would probably be dead or seriously injured. Luckily for him, he ended up with a few bruises and shallow wounds on his arms. Maček slowly regained his memories from the previous night, unfortunately he remembered the incident that happened between Jan and the brunette. Immediately his eyes filled with tears and his spirit filled with anger towards both himself and Jan. Why did he do it? Why didn't he notice he was gone? Does he even care about him? These questions were swirling in the drummer's head, he didn't even notice when his phone buzzed and the screen showed the name of the band's singer.

-Jure? Where are you, why didn't you go back to the hotel for the night? Jan was worried about you... -the blonde heard, but why was Jan worried, after all, he had found someone new.. WHY??

-Uhhh it's hard for me to say it, I'm in the hospital at ******** ***** *****... I don't want to talk about it on the phone and please don't tell Jan where I am, okay Bojan...? -The drummer replied, he didn't want to see the dark brunette, much less talk to him.

-But why are you in the hospital, did something happen to you Jure? -The worried singer asked. -Why shouldn't I tell Jan about this...?

-I told you, this is not a phone conversation, I don't want to talk to Jan, so deal with it. -The blonde informed him.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 18 ⏰

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