Ch. 2

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Baby powder. Check. Diapers. Check. Formula. Check. I got all of the necessities for Bryan and went to the cashier. Beep. Beep. Beep. I fidgeted with my hair while she scanned my items. "14.87, ma'am.!" I immediately frowned I only brought 10 dollars. "I'm gonna have to put something back.." I could here the grunts of the customer waiting in line behind me as I started to put up the baby powder. The elderly cashier put her bony hands on mine, pulled out 5 dollars and said, "I've got it dear." I was gonna object but i knew baby Bryan needed it. So i took the bags, smiled, said thanks, and started on my way home. I held Bryan in 1 arm and the 2 bags in the other. I sat down after struggling to walk half way to our house only to be greeted by a pair of familiar look green eyes. I saw a strong tall boy that looked like he was around my age? "You look like you're having a difficult time getting to where you need to be.." He said flashing his white teeth at me. "Just a little." I replied laughing. "Audrey, Audrey, Audrey. Haven't changed at all." I looked at him confused. He obviously saw I was lost in the conversation because he then said, "Justin, from 8th grade. I moved back! Remember me!?" I gasped. Remember? How could I forget Justin? Justin Gray. I had liked him all of middle school. "No way! How ya been!?" I replied excitedly."Good. How about you? Whose this little guy?" He said winking at Bryan. "I'm doing fine. This is Bryan. He's my precious baby boy." He gave me a strange look that I was quite used to. He was already labeling me in his head an i'd only seen him for 2 minutes . Slut. Hoe. Skank. I knew that's what he was thinking. "I know. I know.. I'm young.." He smiled looking at me with his deep brown eyes. "It's fine! How about we go get some coffee or something?" Coffee with Justin that's like a dream. "I'd love t-" I started than looked at my phone noticing that Cole would be home in thirty minutes and would kill me if he found out I went out and spent money without him knowing. "Actually I can't..I have to get home." I told him while gathering my things. He frowned. "Oh well..maybe another time at least let me take you home." I looked up at the gray clouds above noticing it was about to rain. "Um.. Sure." I got into his truck with Bryan on my lap and the groceries on the floor board. As we pulled to the little shack like house I noticed Coles car. he was outside talking to his friends. "Okay well thanks for the ride." I said eyeing Cole. "no problem." He said while handing me his phone number. I smiled and left. "See you around Audrey, give me a call and we can catch up." I waved and waited for him to drive off. I gripped onto Bryan and the groceries and slid behind the trees trying to keep my distance from Cole and his "crew". I could tell he had been drinking. The strong aroma if vodka made me gag. After waiting outside for the right time to slip into the house, I finally got through the back door. I plopped on the bed after setting Bryan in his crib. I laid there, heart pounding, waiting for my living hell to start again. The beatings, the screaming. It's okay though. Because it's just another day.

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