When Doctors Are Needed - 16

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Both buses successfully made it back home and everyone except Aphelios jumped out of the buses stretching their arms and legs.

"Where is Aphelios?" Alune asked walking over to the boys bus looking around for her brother.

"He's been sleeping since I texted you. We didn't want to wake him up as he seemed pretty worse for wear." Yone explained. "We can go wake him up now to move him to his room."

Alune nodded her head walking on to the boys bus with Yone and Sett following behind her. Alune found Aphelios' bed and leaned over gently nudging him.

"Phel....Hey Phel....Time to wake up." Alune whispered trying to be loud enough to wake Aphelios up while nudging his shoulder, but it didn't work. Aphelios didn't move other than the ragged breathing of his chest going slightly up and down.

This concerned Alune who spoke louder, "Phel?! Aphelios wake up!" Alune said louder giving Aphelios a harder shake with a bit more urgency, but he still didn't move. 

"He's not waking up!" Alune yelled turning to Yone while moving her hand to Aphelios' sweating face, "Oh god he's burning up! Yone we need to get a doctor right away! Sett take Aphelios to your room now, I will get some cold patches and medicine while we wait for the doctor." Alune said rushing out of the bus to get anything that could help Aphelios.

Sett took Alune's spot slipping his arms under Aphelios feeling the heat on his body, but he was shaking as if he was freezing. Lifting him up he cradled Aphelios to his chest walking as fast as he could their room. As he passed Yone he could hear him on the phone demanding a doctor to come as soon as possible. 'How did he get this sick so fast?' Sett thought placing Aphelios on his bed wiping the sweat away with the cold wet towel Alune dropped off in their room earlier.

Within thirty minutes the doctor finally arrived knocking at the door with a frantic Alune opening and pulling the doctor threw the doorway, and to Sett and Aphelios' room. The doctor was male and on the younger side, with short spiky black hair and dark green eyes. Sett wasn't happy when the doctor started to touch Aphelios, moving him around and taking off his shirt.

"How is he sir?" Alune asked watching with Yone behind her curious as well.

"Well from what I can see he is severely dehydrated and running a high fever, I suspect pneumonia. I will need to do a full physical before I can determine next steps. But if I would have to guess I will need to put him on an I.V drip for fluids, I'll be able to add medicine directly into the fluids." The doctor said taking his stethoscope moving around Aphelios' chest listening to his organs. 

After he finished that he took out his digital thermometer sticking it in Aphelios' ear waiting a few seconds for a beeping noise indicating it was done. When the doctor looked at the temperature his face went into shock.

"I'll be putting the I.V in now, if anyone here doesn't do well with needles I would ask you to leave the room." the doctor said pulling bags of fluid and the metal frame of a stand from his large bag of supplies.

'Like hell I'm leaving this room.' Sett growled in his mind, knowing better than to voice his thoughts at the moment. Alune turned into Yone's chest while the doctor worked as fast as he could placing the long needle in Aphelios arm. Yone pat Alune's head softly and let her know once the doctor was done.

"So what happens now? Is he okay?" Yone asked as the doctor was cleaning up the mess from the I.V.

"Well I feel like it could go either way at this time. Aphelios is running a fever of 109 degrees fahrenheit , which is very concerning. I would recommend giving him 48 hours here, if his health declines any further, then to bring him to the hospital immediately. I will visit tomorrow to switch the I.V bags. You have my number if something happens." the doctor looked at Aphelios with sad eyes. 

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