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"Why are you freaking out? she didn't notice." I assured him.

"It doesn't matter jeongin, I-i didn't even consent to any of that." Seungin said shaking his head in disbelief.

"I-i don't- well I'm sorry, I didn't know you didn't like it." I apologized, my voice now is just as upset as his. I can't believe he's really this irritated with me, I mean c'mon, consent? When have I ever had to ask a stupid man for his consent, doesn't he think I'm attractive enough to flirt with....

"Exactly, there's no way you could have known because you didn't ask." Seungmin said sounding a lot more serious now.
He's dead serious..


"And even worse than my own feelings, what about you, don't you care about your own hygiene or safety?" He asked scoldingly.

I froze, just staring up at him like a complete idiot, I didn't even know what he was scolding me about.

"Jeongin..." He said, his voice suddenly soft and remorseful. "I didn't mean to hurt your feelings, I'm just saying- what if I was some kind of serial killer who didn't wash his hands, and you're letting me t-touch you so early on....I just think you should more careful." He scooted closer to me as he spoke. "And plus consent is important too, I know you said you're comfortable with it, but it has to be a two way streak...ok?" He asked, gently grabbing my hand and setting in the table as he rested his palm over mine.
Why do I feel like I can't breathe, I just embarrassed myself by being a complete slut on the first date....I feel my palms sweating but not from shame or embarrassment....

"Are you ok, innie?"

"Y-yeah...I'm ok, I just- I've never really had someone talk to me like that before."

"I'm really sorry innie, I didn't mean to be harsh." Seungin apologized hastily. I shook my head in disagreement.

"No, no you're right, you're perfectly right.." holy shit why is he making such good eye contact with me, have his eyes always been so round... woah.. they're like boba or something.. so pretty..


"Huh? Oh I'm sorry!" I said quickly, blinking hard to make it seem like I wasn't getting too distracted with how pretty he is, though I'm sure he knows.....I'm obviously not very slick. God..why..

"I'm sorry if I spoiled the date, I didn't mean to bring down the mood-"

"No, no it wasn't your fault, it's mine." I assured him waving my hands in front of me. "And the mood isn't ruined, you're perfect seungmin, it's my fault, Im glad you said something."

"Ok....I just wanted to set a couple boundaries, cause that's what you're supposed to do when you're serious about a relationship, y'know." Seungin said, giving me another sheepish grin, I now realized how scared he seemed just to say how he really I making him afraid?

"Yeah, I understand seungmin, you're completely right.......I'm sorry I-i just haven't dated in a while.....not that that's any kind of excuse's true."

"I understand, neither have I." He admitted. "But that's ok, we'll just have to remind each other.....I mean if you want, of course.." he said quietly, looking away from me as he said the last part. Remind each other.....that didn't sound so bad..

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